Cleverbot continued

629 23 5

Same as before. Every other reply is Cleverbot

Feliciano Vargas
Why is he your slave?
Because he is adorable
What about louis tomlinson?
What about Arthur Kirkland?
Arthur Kirkland is insane
Arthur Kirkland is the bloody United Kingdom!
And I am Arthur Kirkland
Are you Arthur Kirkland?
No. Are YOU Arthur Kirkland England?
So, are you Alfred F. Jones?
Do you know Arthur Kirkland?
Yes, of course I know Iggybrows!
But you said you didn't know anything.
Feliciano Vargas.
Yes? I am Feliciano Vargas.
Do you love Ludwig?
All I feel is fat.
Probably from eating so much pasta.
Why were you break up with them (?)
Gilbert x Matthew
Austria x Hungary
The only straight pairing in Hetalia...

Cleverbot is clever.

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