Chapter Fifty-Eight

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Rocky's P.O.V

I slam the door to my hotel room, throwing myself onto my bed. I cry into the pillow until I hear my phone buzzing. "What?" I snap at who ever it is. I hear Taliya sobbing on the other end, choking out words. I sniffle and wipe my tears. "Calm down, Taliya. Tell me what happened," I say as I try to get ahold of myself.

"Nothing, never mind. I'm overreacting and I forgot you don't wanna be near me." She cries before hanging up.

I set my phone down. "Rocky? Hun, is it okay if I come in?" My mom asks sweetly.

I get up, opening the door for her. "What's up?" I ask, trying to stop the tears.

"What's wrong?" She asks as she pulls me into a hug.

I sob into her shoulder for a few minutes. "I-I don't have the h-heart t-to tell her a-about Chase!" I cry softly.

She slightly pulls back, examining my face. "Go to bed and in the morning you and Luke can go up there. If you want, someone will go with you." She whispers and wipes my tears.

What would I do without my sweet mother? "I'm not going up there tomorrow. We're fighting," I say as more tears make their way down my face.

She nods, "okay, get some rest then." She sighs before walking out, leaving me alone.

I pick up my phone again, calling Taliya. "Hey! You've reached Taliya Scott-Lynch! Sorry I couldn't catch ya! Leave me a message and I'll call ya back as soon as possible!" Her voice echoes in my ears.

I smile at how she said her name. "B-Babe, it's me. I-I'm not coming u-up there tomorrow. I'll send Ry-Rydel up there with Luke, but I can't! Chase! The doctors... It's all one big mess. Please just call me back. I love you so much, baby." I stutter before hanging up.

I plug my phone into the charger and lay down. I shut off the light, leaving me alone in the dark with my thoughts. I toss and turn, trying to get comfortable. Taliya's ringtone starts playing. I pick up my phone quickly. "Hello?" I answer as I tug on the ends of my hair.

"I need you," she whispers into the phone.

I turn on the light. "Why? What's wrong? I'm on my way!" I say quickly as I grab my charger and run out of the room.

"They-they told me Rocky! and you hate me.. this is all too much for me!" She cries as I get into a cab.

I tell the driver to go to the hospital. "I don't hate you, love. What's too much for you? Are you alright?" I ask, trying to keep her calm.

"No," she simply says as I hear her gulp something.

I get out of the car and run into the building. "What the fuck was that?" I snap.

"Stop yelling at me!" She sobs into my ear before her line goes dead.

I run to the elevator, clicking the number '5'. I run to her room and see her kneeling on the ground. Her head in her hands, her phone on the ground next to her, sobbing quietly to herself. I sit next to her and pull her into my arms. "It's gonna be okay," I whisper as tears escape my eyes. "It's going to be okay," I hope. She wraps her arms around me. "I shouldn't have left you, I'm sorry."

She sobs herself to sleep in my arms. I notice she has stitches on my stomach. I set her on the bed, tucking the blanket under her. I click the button to call a nurse. I wait outside the room. "Is she okay?" A blonde woman asks.

I nod. "Yes, she's okay. I was just curious about what the stitches on her stomach were." I say quietly.

She looks at her clipboard. "We had to pump her stomach.. Her daytime nurse left a bottle of pain killers in there and after the doctor told her about Chase, she tried to overdose." She explains, looking back at me.

More tears pour out of my eyes. "How come no one called me?"

"We called her parents and they told us to 'Eff off'.. We didn't have your number." She sighs as she looks back at her clipboard.

I nod and wipe my tears. "Okay, well I'm staying until she can go home.. thank you so much."

She smiles at me. "You're welcome."

I walk back into the room and sit next to Taliya. "I can't believe you were going to leave me. I could've helped you, all you had to do was call me." I whisper to her sleeping body.

She mumbles something in her sleep, flopping onto her side, facing me. I kiss her forehead before leaning back in the chair. I lean my head on my arm before drifting to sleep.





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