Chapter Fifty-One

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A/n: long chapter
Three months later. Rocky's P.O.V

The band is getting back together and we're going back on tour soon.

I was scrolling through Twitter when Taliya walked into our room, with a bag of chips. "Are the kids sleeping?" I ask.

She nods and sits on the bed next to me. "Yeah.. can we talk?" She asks as I take one of her chips.

I set my phone down and sit up. "What's up?" I ask nervously.

"Okay, so I was thinking about what we said about having another baby.." she trails off.

"We can have another!? Right now!? Please!" I beg and grab her hands.

She giggles and shakes her head. "Rocky," she whispers, trying to calm me. "We are having another."

I smile and tackle her onto the bed. "You're messing with me." I say in disbelief.

She shakes her head. "I'm dead serious." She says with a smile. I lean down and kiss her roughly. "Rocky," she says against my lips. I shake my head and shove my tongue into her mouth. "Rocky, stop. We have to talk." She says sternly.

I get off of her and sit up. "About what?" I ask anxiously.

"Rocky, you're going on tour soon."

I nod. "Yes, I know. Can you just hurry up? You're making me nervous." I say.

She giggles again. "How long are you going on tour?"

I shrug. "I don't know.. two or three months." I state.

"Okay, never mind then." She sighs and lays down.

"Taliya! Tell me! You know I hate it when you do that!" I yell and pull her so she's straddling my waist.

"If you leave for two months, I'll be five months along when you get back." She sighs and plays with the string on my pants.

I grab her hands and bring one to my lips. "And I'll be at your side for the whole time after I get back." I whisper. A tear falls down her cheek. I quickly reach up and wipe it away. "don't cry, baby. I'll be back soon enough."

She shrugs helplessly and lays her head on my chest. I turn on my side, causing her to fall next to me. I entwine our legs and hold her close to me. "I just want you to be here." She mumbles into my chest.

I nod. "I know, babe. But what if I told you it really isn't tour? What if you and the kids are coming with us and we're just sight seeing with shows at night?" I smirk.

She looks up. "You're lying to me." She says. I shake my head and she smiles. "Rocky, shut up." She says excitedly.

I smile and kiss her again. "I'm serious. My parents want you and the kids to come with us." I say as I pull back.

"Okay.. one more thing?"

I nod. "What?" I ask as I close my eyes.

"Can I have my chips back?" She giggles. I laugh and playfully roll my eyes before handing her the bag of chips. "Thanks, babe.." She whispers and kisses my cheek.

I turn on the tv and she snuggles into my side. "You're welcome.." I say quietly and take another chip. "What about work?"

She crumples the empty bag. "What about it?" She asks and throws it into the little garbage in the bathroom.

"What's going on with it?" I ask quietly as she lays back down.

She shrugs. "Well, I'm popping out kids left and right so I think I'm just going to quit." She sighs and lays her head on my chest. "Be a stay at home mom. It'll be good for me and the kids."

I nod in agreement. "Okay.. can I shut the tv off?" I yawn.

She nods. "Yeah, we should go to sleep. I'm sure Hazel will be up at 8 anyways." She sighs.

I stand up and strip to my boxers. After laying back down and getting situated, I kiss her nose. "I love you." I whisper.

"I love you too.. goodnight."

"Night," I yawn again.


Luke's P.O.V

"Luke, Lukey wake up." I rub my eyes and look up at my old mommy. "Hi, baby." she smiles.

I shake my head. "What're you doing here? I don't want you." I snap at her. "MOMMY! DADDY!" I yell.

She quickly places her hands over my mouth. "Shut up you little brat." She says and steps on my knees.

Daddy runs into the room and flips on the lights. "What the fuck!? Leave him alone!" He yells and shoves my old mommy away from me.

Mommy comes over to me and carries me out of the room. She set me in her and daddy's bed. "Are you okay? Did she hurt you?" She asks and moves hair away from my eyes.

I nod. "She stepped o-on my knees a-and scratched m-my face." I cry.

She holds me and rocks me back and forth. She wipes away my tears, but new ones keep coming. Daddy comes in and sits in front of us. "Wanna go downstairs for a little bit, bud?" He asks.

I nod and mommy carries me downstairs. I sit on the counter and eat an orange Popsicle. "Mommy!" I yell as she walks out of the room.

She sighs and walks back over to me. "Yes, baby?"

"She hurt me right there.." I pout and point to my knee.

Her eyes widen and she grabs an ice pack. "Babe, come here!" She yells as tears come down her face, too.

Daddy slumps onto the kitchen. "What?" He asks tiredly. Mommy tells me to show daddy. I show him my puffy knee. "Holy shit. What do we do!?" He asks nervously.

"Rocky, you need to do something. I can't.. Babe, I hate seeing him go through this. Take him to the hospital." Mommy says, angrily with tears.

I shake my head. "No! Mommy, has to go." I yell at her.

She shakes her head. "Baby, I can't. I want to help you.. but I hate seeing you hurt." She sobs.

I reach out and wipe her tears. She smiles through the pain she feels. "Mommy, come with me." I whisper.

She sighs and nods. "I'll call my mom to watch Hazel." Daddy says and runs upstairs.

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