Chapter Twenty-Five~ Going Home

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{two months later.} long chapter!

I hold him tightly and smile. "Rocky!" His mom yells from the other side of the door. I slide off of him and he walks to the door.

"Yes, mother." He snaps as he opens the door.

She pulls him into the hall. I lay back on the bed. He comes back in and jumps on me. "What was that about?" I ask.

He avoids my question by kissing me. "She just wanted to know if you were feeling better." He shrugs and gets off me.

"Okay," I nod.

He lays his head on my chest, throwing his arm over my torso and slinging his leg over my waist. ~~~~ I open my eyes and see Rocky with a tiny smile on his face. "Taliya," he giggles in his sleep. I roll my eyes and throw him away from me. "What the fuck?" He snaps.

I grab my phone off the charger and walk to the bathroom. I text Riker.

Nikki: I don't know what to do. :'(

Riker: with what? What happened?
It's 4 in the morning.

Nikki: he keeps giggling Taliya's name
and kissing my neck, thinking its Taliya.

Riker: wanna come in here?

Nikki: can I?

Riker: of course.

Nikki: thank you. I'll be there in a minute.

I lock my phone and walk out of the bathroom. "Babe-" Rocky starts.

I shake my head. "Shut up." I snap and grab my clothes.

I walk out of the room, slamming the door behind me. I see Riker waiting outside of his room. He opens his arms to me and I run into them. "Come on." He whispers and pulls me into the room. He motions for me to lay on the bed with him. I lay down and he wraps his arms around me, holding me tightly. "Tell me what's going on." He demands.

I lean on my head on his chest. "He keeps kissing my neck and calling me Taliya in his sleep. He wakes up and acts like he doesn't care that I'm pregnant and he just doesn't give a shit anymore!" I sob.

"You're pregnant!?" He asks in shock.

I nod. "I wasn't supposed to tell anyone."

He rubs my back and kisses my head. I look up and shove my lips onto his. He kisses back as I move my hand up to his cheek. I pull back after I knew what I was doing was wrong. "We won't tell Rocky." He mumbles, as if he could read my mind.

I nod again. "Thank you. Goodnight." I whisper and hold the warm boy closer to me.

"Night." He says before drifting to sleep. ~~~~ "nikki, hey. Wanna take a shower before we leave?" Riker asks sweetly and shakes my arm.

I shake my head and bury it in his neck. "No, I don't wanna go! If I go, I have to run away with him." I whine.

He giggles. "No you don't. Go take a shower." He says and pulls me up.

I groan and walk to the bathroom.~~ "Riker?" I called as I stepped out of the shower.

"Yep!" He yelled.

I feel my body begin to shake. "I-I can't stop shaking." I say as tears flow down my cheeks.

I hear a small knock on the door. "Can i talk to you, babe?" Rocky asks softly.

I open the door and he steps in. "What?" I snap as I attempt to get dressed.

He takes my clothes from me and helps me slide them on. I sit on his lap and he holds my hands, trying to prevent my shaking. "Babe, you need to calm down." He whispers and kisses my head.

I nod. "I know. I can't. Something isn't right, Rocky." I say.

His eyes travel down to my stomach and back up to my eyes. "You don't think that...." He trails off with tears in his eyes.

I shrug and look down. "It's a possibility. We should probably check." I sigh as we stand up.

He grabs my hand and leads me out of the building. We get in the car and drive to the hospital. --------

We're now on the bus to go home. I haven't got off the bunk for at least five hours. Why? I lost the baby. Rocky came to lay with me for a few hours until Rydel asks to talk to him.

He climbs back in bed with me and holds me tightly. I begin to sob quietly into his chest. "Shh, babe. It'll be okay." He whispers.

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