Chapter 157: The Birth of a Blood Moon (4)

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Ren laid on the floor breathing heavily as coldness devoured him. "It hurts..." Even in the darkness he could see his body trying to pull itself together. His muscle fibers extended like threads, and pale flames drowned his wounds.

"You're healing?" Mei looked just as surprised as Ren. "Why are you healing? That attack was supposed to kill you." The calmness of Mei's voice was enough to make Ren's head spin.

"..." Ren's breathing continued. "What is wrong with you?" Ren's mind felt like it was melting in a pool of rage. "Why is it whenever people see good in you; you do everything in your power to prove them wrong?"

Ren waited silently for an answer, but Mei only replied with cold dead eyes. The charming woman he met at the tournament was dead. The wicked and enthusiastic aunt he knew died as well. All that was left was a husk that bore eyes with little humanity left in them.

"It's because you are wrong Renji." The sweetness of Mei's voice became bitter with irritation. "You and Mako are both wrong. The person you look for within me isn't me. I'm not Ikumi. I'm not Mei. I'm only a devil that wants to create hell."

Mei walked towards Ren lifting up her spear and aimed it at his face. "Ikumi Fujiwara died a long time ago, and she won't ever come back." Mei's flattened as shadows consumed her once more.

"T-that's not true." Ren groaned, he could feel his organs trying to spill out as he tried to move. "If that part of you no longer existed then the two of us wouldn't be here now would we?"

"What?" Mei looked perplexed by Ren's response.

"This plan of yours, this desire to destroy everything. It's a dream born from the hate and anger felt by Ikumi was it not?" Ren questioned. He tried to muster the strength to move, but each time he did he could feel himself take one step closer to death's door. "You may deny it Ikumi. You may believe that you are this demonic beast that is incapable of feeling anything. Incapable of being human, but even I can see that part of you burns stronger with every moment we spend together."

"This anger you feel for me. This hatred you have for the Hero Association. All of it stems from the-"

"!?!?!" Ren roared out in pain crying loud enough for the Earth to shatter. He stared up, blood was foaming from his mouth and Mei's starry eyes glowed in the darkness. Ren immediately shifted his gaze noticing the massive spear plunged deep into his stomach.

"W-what..." Ren tried to speak but blood filled his throat. " A-are you..." Ren continued to gurgle. "D-doing?"

"Proving you wrong." Mei frowned, she twisted the spear causing Ren to cry out once more.

"Anger breeds monsters Renji. If you can't see that by now then you are a bigger fool than I thought." Mei continued to bite Ren with venomous words putting his tolerance for it to the test.

"You go on constantly speaking about things that don't apply to you and I. Things like love, forgiveness, and doing what's right." Mei raised the spear from Ren's stomach and kicked him in the ribs launching him up in the air.

Blood splattered throughout the room, and Ren's face turned so why it looked like he was about to pass out. Mei watched as Ren's body desperately tried to fix itself. She could see layers upon layers of muscle fibers bonding together to hold his organs in place. She could see feathers forming where he skin once was acting as a band-aid to contain his spilling blood.

"But what about what I want? What about what I think is right?" Mei asked. She began to prowl around Ren like a hungry lion. "I want revenge Renji. I want to hurt them like they hurt me." Mei kicked Ren again, this time much harder than the last. Ren went spinning and crashed through a wall where his body began healing even faster just to keep up with his onslaught of injuries.

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