Chapter 149: The End Is Near (2)

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"That bitch has some nerve." Natsumi growled, plopping herself onto her bed with a fiery thud. "Who the hell does she think she is talking to us like that?" Natsumi ranted. Arthur followed closely behind, heading towards the mini-fridge before joining Natsumi on the bed. The meeting had ended sourly. Although they successfully made a plan, the plan itself only ran everyone's emotions high. Causing Olivia to storm out in a fury and Natsumi and Suzume to butt heads. The argument was so bad that Arthur was worried the two may fight.

Arthur reached into the fridge, pulling out a bottle of wine. "I wouldn't stress about it. She's young, naive, and still has a lot of growing to do before understanding how the world works." Arthur stood up and poured two glasses. "Besides, look at us, we were both thrown into this complex world before we were even old enough to understand it truly." Natsumi let out a heavy sigh knowing full well that Arthur was right. When she was their age, she had just joined Lupus. Natsumi hardly knew anything about the world. How complex it can be and what history lied between specific relationships. However, Alexander and Zhu Li made sure for her to learn these things quickly.

It was the same for Arthur; only ten years ago did he become a hero, and only ten years ago, he lifted Excalibur for the first time. From the very moment he wielded the sword, and from the very moment both he and Michael crossed paths, he was destined to do great things. Whether it was to become a prophecized King or a great hero.

"Drink this love. It should ease you up a bit." Arthur whispered. He joined Natsumi at her bedside, offering her a glass of wine that she immediately turned her nose. "Arthur..."

"What? It's just one drink." Arthur insisted, "Even so I thought we both agreed we wouldn't do this anymore." Natsumi replied flatly. Arthur could tell irritation had poisoned Natsumi's face by how both of her eyes narrowed. Arthur nervously laughed, "Oh come on it's not that big of a deal. Look I'll even share a cig with you if it makes you feel better."

Natsumi's frown only deepened. She wasn't that easy to convince. "Arthur, I thought we agreed that we'd just talk these things out. Rather than get rid of our problems by drowning them in alcohol or burning them away with a few smokes." Natsumi watched Arthur's face for some time. He didn't speak for a while, only stirred the wine in his glass while staring into the night.

"Is something wrong?" Natsumi pestered. "Did something happen?" Throughout the night, many arguments spilled out. Suzume and Sarah exchanged a few harsh words over the treatment of Nyssa and the ownership of Feather. Something Sarah stood behind Natsumi over. At the same time, a lot of the heroes were apprehensive about Benny due to his age. However, Yushirou and Erica vouched for him, with Erica mentioning how many of his creations have detoured the past threats. As well as Yushirou hinted that Benny has a more significant role to play in the wars to come. Something a lot of the other heroes had gripes with.

Not everyone believed in Yushirou's foresight. Some thought they were simply illusions crafted by Yushirou to gain the trust of the public. At the same time, others thought them to be gospel. However, Yushirou had explained his visions to Natsumi multiple times in her youth. He always called them "Fragments" pieces of the future that had to be interpreted whatever way he liked. Some of these "Fragments" were clearer than others, either displaying a full scenario, while others were vague and symbolic. Yushirou had claimed he couldn't see the future any better than Irene could. Although he could predict and make assumptions, that wasn't to say they were concrete. He knew that whatever scene he saw would indeed happen, regardless of how it would occur.

The assumption that Benny had a part to play was no different. Yushirou only mentioned seeing Benny in a realm of fire with several eyes staring upon him. Yushirou never went into any more detail than that, and whenever people questioned him about it, Yushirou would only reply saying the same thing. "When the time comes, the truth will reveal itself. Until then we must wait." Yushirou's vagueness was an easy way to drive people's irritation, but Natsumi had grown used to it. To her, it was the same old Yushirou that she had known all her life.

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