Chapter 24: Flames Of Revival

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Red embers crackled into the air as flames erupted at the edge of the ring. Ren's body hovered briefly before landing back on the tile floor only to watch it melt as his flames gradually grew stronger.

"Perhaps I went a bit overboard this time around..."

"I'm pretty sure that wasn't enough to kill him, but there is no way he'd be able to walk away from that unscathed."

After that thought briefly coursed his mind, Ren's scarlet eyes widened to see a black figure taking shape deep within the flames. The figure had an odd shape to it, almost beast like as its movements altered the shape of the flames.

Ren took a step back beginning to sweat as he spoke in disbelief "There is no way..."

"Oh have you greatly underestimated me Tachibana..."

"Did you really believe I would be taken out so easily by a piss-ant like you?"

A deep growl came from the flames that sent fearful chills down Ren's spine. Out of instinct the teen simply stepped back, no longer expressing any signs of anger or annoyance...all that was left was terror.

The flames moved once more as 6 individual shadows came out from it. As the shadows took shape that revealed a reddened metal exterior that took the appearance of fist. Each of these six fist had Ren's flames coming off of them very similar to a torch.

"Now then allow me to show you, the power of your flames."

The arms shot forward having the same speed and malleability as Seth's own liquid metal arms. With a quick burst of agility Ren successfully dodged the first two strikes sending himself up into the air to gain distance. The arms quickly followed, and in response small jets of fire burst from the soles of Ren's feet giving him better aerial movement.

The arms weaved through the air like a needle through thread as Ren moved in between each strike.

As one of the fist gazed Ren's face barely singeing his hair he glanced downwards surprised to see Seth has still not emerged from the flames.

"These attacks are fast...and it seems each time he tries to hit me they only are getting faster..."

The two fist jetted towards Ren once more at such speeds that the air shook slightly. It was a jarring feeling but it resembled a fighter jet flying through the sky continuously breaking the sound barrier as it increased in speed.

"Enough games I'm done!"

Ren hastily pulled his arm back as a monstrous heat over it releasing a slew of fire in the shape of a fist.

The fist then bent one going downwards and the other going upwards successfully avoiding Ren's incoming attack. The first fist came from above and struck Ren against his skull sending a ringing sensation throughout his entire body.

After the ringing faded pain set in and he felt his consciousness begin to fade in and out. Before he even knew it he was falling hundreds of feet towards the ring.

As Ren slowly came to the flames beneath his feet strengthened preparing to propel him upwards once more.

But before he even could the second arm wrapped around his leg and pulled him downwards with intense strength.

"Shit!" He yelled as he was pulled down at ridiculous speeds, all of the hair resting on his head was forced upwards due to the turbulent winds.

"This isn't good if he's pulled down from that height it may be over for him!" Natsumi shouted as the air around Ren was becoming visible from how fast his body was moving.

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