Chapter 107: Feathers

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A cold wind. It was the only thing that broke the silence between the two. Arthur's mouth had tightened waiting for an answer, while simultaneously wishing for the silence to continue. He wasn't sure if he wanted to know the truth whatever it may be. 

If Ren was truly Irene's lost child.

Or if it was merely a premature assumption on Arthur's behalf.

Arthur eased away still uncertain about his claim. If Ren was Irene's child what would that mean for him? Would he arrest him even though he has done nothing? Would he kill him simply for existing? A multitude of scenarios ran through Arthur's mind making him regret asking the question to begin with. 

If Ren was truly the child of a terrorist did he really want to know?

But if he did know would it change anything?

At the end of the day just like Ren the dreams they shared brought them together. Fate wished for them to meet and Arthur was sure it wasn't just to end his life. Ren's existence as well as his own was for a greater purpose, a purpose far grander than Arthur could even begin to comprehend. 

"Actually..." Arthur's face dimmed before Michael no longer sharing the same overwhelming light his master had. "If you don't wish to tell me, you don't have to."

Ren felt a strange rush run through his head. He was stunned, still stunned that Arthur nearly uncovered his identity. No that Arthur did uncover it. But even more stunned that Arthur was willing to ignore his relation to Irene. From what Ren was told Irene was viewed by the association to be their greatest enemy. The only person who came close to nearly destroying its foundation.

With Ren's relation to her, and his existence as a whole both he and Natsumi in the face of the Hero Association would be viewed as a devil's spawn, and potentially their greatest threat. Of course Ren had no intention of bringing harm to the Hero Association regardless of how much he wanted to beat the shit out of Michael. And Ren was sure Natsumi wouldn't have any intentions of doing so either.

But due to the mass hysteria caused by Irene's reign surely the public wouldn't be all too thrilled about their existence.

Ren dipped his head thinking about that. If he truly wanted to become a hero. A hero that everyone would root for and respect, Ren knew his identity his true lineage must stay hidden. The public could not know about his relation to Irene no matter how good of a person she may have been.

Even without Ren's verbal confession Arthur already knew the answer. With his distinct facial features and his expression alone the answer was very obvious.

Ren was Irene's son.

"What do you think you are doing Ren?"

Ren felt his body stiffen while a bizarre chill ran through him. Of course it was windy but this chill wasn't conjured by that. It was a stiff coldness that was brought forth by a deep pressure, one only capable of being manifested by a resonating anger. A similar anger that Ren sensed within himself much earlier.

Arthur raised his head only to see red eyes staring back at him. Eyes of blood, the eyes of a king. It was the only time in his life he had seen Michael cast a shadow one so dark that it rivaled that of the Leader of Judas heart.

"Michael..." Arthur could say nothing else, only his name. The pressure was far too great to allow him to think anything else. To think about his own life, to think about Ren's. The only thing Arthur could think of was how much power was behind Michael's glare alone.

"Arthur asked you a question. It would be rude not to answer him." Michael's voice didn't raise in the slightest. It remained low and stern while firing out a single command. 

Like Arthur Ren could also sense Michael's power. Without even giving him a single glance Ren could feel Michael's glare burning into his backside like a hot piece of metal. 

It was the first time in Ren's life that he felt so hot. While to Arthur Michael felt like an unwelcome blizzard. To Ren Michael's glare felt like the scorching sun. Ren sat there looking down burning, his face drenched in sweat and his body on fire. He could do nothing but pant and desperately clench jaw praying for Michael to leave.

But he didn't. Michael stood firm waiting to see his command followed through to the very end.

"Tell him." Michael commanded now baring his teeth, the Hero's teeth had now resembled fangs ready to tear into the flesh of his target. "Tell Arthur the truth. Tell him that you are the product of a Devil's seed."

"Tell him that your existence is a sin against humanity."

"Tell him from the very moment you were born into this world you were destined to bring forth it's destruction."

Michael's words continued to shoot out lashing at Ren like a bladed whip. Each statement worse than the last forcing him to bare bloodied skin. The strength in Ren's eyes died a little after each word causing the light to darken. 

Ren didn't defend himself. He knew Michael was right.

Irene committed genocide, erasing an entire population of people from existence in a single moment.

Irene murdered countless heroes, ones that were even viewed by some as innocent.

Irene left scars in the minds of the masses decades after her death. 

Ren knew Irene was a horrible person. Even if Erica had thought differently. 

Ren lowered his head allowing the beating to continue. It was pointless to defend when he knew Michael was only speaking the truth. "I'm sorry." Ren whispered "Michael does speak the truth."

All the emotion Ren once had vanished. His voice regressed becoming monotone similar to how Suzume spoke when they first met. Admitting this killed Ren inside, it made him feel like he was rotting from the inside out.

Ren remembered the vision Erica showed him. The memories of his Mother, the excitement she brought to the stage simply by her appearance alone. The smiles she brought to the faces of many just by existing, and joy present on her own face when she learned she had been accepted to join the Hero Association.

It was difficult for Ren to believe a person like that would be capable of doing such heinous things. It was difficult for Ren to accept someone who Erica loved so much could be such a horrible person. It difficult for Ren to come to the terms that Irene Wolfe was the devil the Hero Association claimed her to be.

Arthur watched Ren in silence noticing they void look in his eyes. There was no hatred, no sadness, and no happiness. Just a blank expression as if no life had existed in it. Ren raised his head now fully facing Arthur "I am the child of Irene Wolfe, I am the spawn of a demon, the legacy of a traitor, and the embodiment of her sin." 

"I should have been honest to you about it from the beginning." Ren admitted still wearing a dull smile "But I suppose keeping secrets is to be expected of the those with evil in their blood."

Arthur slowly frowned. Nothing about this situation made him feel satisfied. For him there was no satisfaction in hearing Ren belittle himself. For him there was no satisfaction in seeing Ren suffer, in all honesty Arthur found it disgusting. Arthur traced his glare over to Michael still frowning at his Master's actions.

Regardless of Michael's feelings towards Irene. Regardless of whatever Irene had done in the past, and regardless to whatever Michael had witnessed. Arthur knew what was going on before him wasn't right, this wasn't justice only injustice and Michael should be the first to realize this. As the Number One Hero he was only bringing shame to his title.

"No, don't say that." Arthur's voice grew gaining a similar presence to Michael's. Arthur placed his hand on Ren's head ruffling his hair attempting to bring him back to his senses. He had only known him for a few hours now, and he already felt like defending him just like he would his younger Brother. "Evil isn't something that flows through blood, and I refuse to believe that the sins of the Mother transfer over to the Son."

"Anyone who would tell you such a thing is a cunt." Arthur said boldly raising his head to stare directly at Michael. It was the first time in his life he had ever said anything bad about him, and it was the first time Arthur had witnessed Michael visually surprised. Arthur held Ren for a moment allowing him to regain his mental fortitude and fight back. Seeing someone so defenseless was pitiful and not becoming of someone who was destined to fight by his side!

"Get up Ren." Arthur ordered raising his voice rekindling the flames that were burning deep within Ren's heart. "You have yet to show me that there is any evil in your heart!" Arthur remembered the words Ren told him. Acknowledging his dream while simultaneously disagreeing with it. He told him that dreams aren't something to be decided upon by someone else, but to be created by your own free will your own individuality. 

Arthur recalled what Ren said about everyone in Blight being manipulated like tools. That everyone were living their lives for Michael's sake rather than for their own. At first Arthur disagreed with this, and even now he still believes the oath that all the members took should be followed to the end. But unlike before Arthur was now beginning to see the truth in Ren's words.

Manipulation, it was subtle but always there. Even now Michael continues to manipulate Ren to put both Arthur and him against one another. The same way he and Irene were over a decade ago. 

But history would not repeat itself!

Arthur gripped Ren now feeling a flame burning within his own chest. "You mentioned before about the villianizing of an entire bloodline. You told me a that the Number One Hero shouldn't be okay with that." 

Michael once again frowned remembering the past. The memory of Irene had been engraved to him from that very day, and each time he thought about her Michael could feel his scars beginning to ache. 

"That wrench..." 

"Well I am not." It pained Arthur to say it. Because saying it allowed would be solidifying it as the truth. "Patronizing people in such ways will only breed more evil, and a world with more evil will only give birth to Hell." Arthur's face deepened swelling with a bitter sadness "The world I want to create, no the world I would like to protect cannot allow such things."

"I want to end the cycle of hatred here and now, but the only way I can do that is if you get up!" Arthur shouted "So get up Ren! Show me that you are void of the evil in your heart! Show me that you aren't anything like your Mother, and not the thing that Michael claims you to be!"

Arthur's words they burned Ren's skin like an electric current filling him with life. It had been far to long since he felt anything remotely close to encouragement. It had been far too long since he had felt anything that made his heart burn like an eternal inferno!

This was what he needed.

This was the thing that would serve to keep him going even if the world goes against him.

Ren raised his head staring up to see a golden glow.

His light his king, and the person he knew he was fated to meet.

Arthur Pendragon, the man destined to save this world.

Arthur's golden eyes flowed freely, blazing with a passion Ren had not seen. Everything about him was magnificent and finally Ren could see why people praised him and why people held him in such high regards. Arthur was truly a magnificent man.  

Ren took Arthur's hand using it as a support to stand up, and soon Arthur followed. They both stood tall no longer staggering from Michael's immense pressure. 

"Michael, I don't want to seem like I have any ill feelings towards you. But everything I say now is simply what my heart is telling me to do." Arthur admitted still frowning. He could see the disappointment on Michael's face. A look of betrayal, and a stare of anger. Without Michael's words Arthur could sense it this was the beginning of the end. 

"Let's end this here. The cycle, the cycle of hatred doesn't need to continue anymore than it has, and we shouldn't waste our time antagonizing the innocent because of the crimes of their parents." Arthur tightened his fist remembering the shadow clearly. The shadow that claimed that it was simply a peace in the puzzle, the shadow that ordered Ryota and Void to kill him for his prized sword. Judas Heart was still out there, lurking while the Hero Association plays War with Lupus. "Resentment like this needs to be discarded and forgotten, there is no point in arguing among ourselves while there are threats that still need to be attended to." 

"Lupus is still planning to attack us, and Judas Heart remains in the shadows. Rather than focusing on the past we need to look forward and plan how we will deal with our enemies, and what we will do to prevent this cycle from continuing any further!" Arthur shouted.

"The words of a child." Michael scoffed "I thought after all the time we've spent together that questions like that would be beyond you." Michael's eyes sharpened like daggers before trading blows with Arthur's. "As long as Light exist darkness will always come to snuff it out."

"The cycle of hatred will never end no matter how desperately you try to kill it." Michael's stone cold expression returned falling silent on both Arthur and Ren. "Ren, I didn't say the things I did out of hatred for you. In fact I don't hate you at all, I only hate the fact you are alive."

Ren and Arthur eyes grew large. Arthur couldn't believe Michael could say such a thing, while Ren was simply baffled by how blunt he was.

"Your existence as a whole represents why the cycle of hatred will never end." Michael raised his hand conjuring a ball of light, while the opposing one a ball of Reiki. "You and your Sister are linchpins for Lupus. As long as you and exist, and as long as Irene's dream remains burning in the hearts of her followers they will continue to thrive until the end of time." 

Michael stared at Arthur once more reading his shocked expression, yet hardly acknowledging it "The Cycle of hatred isn't something you can easily snuff out. The wounds Irene left on this world are deep on both sides. Many heroes, and many civilians remember the things she did. The lives she took and the amount of fear and chaos she brought upon the world."

"Many of the members of Lupus remember the pain the Hero Association caused them. With how hard we fought back, the commanders we killed on their side and even how we forced them back into the shadows and ostracized them as criminals." Michael stopped for a moment thinking about what he had to say. "I am sure being in the darkness for that long thickened a lot of their blood, and perhaps is the reason why Marionette exists."

Michael returned his stare to Ren "Ren, I would like to ask you something."

Ren stayed quiet for a moment unable to answer. It was hard to respond after hearing Michael's speech. He was right, the cycle of hatred was way too deep to prevent from spreading any more than it has. As long as Heroes existed, and as long as people who wished to see Irene's dream fulfilled that cycle would always exist. 

A deep frown formed over Ren's lips before nodding towards Michael.

"Do you love this world?" Michael asked, his voice sounding genuine. Ren raised a brow at the question, the answer seemed obvious. Even though the world and society had fucked him over plenty of times he still lived in it. His loved ones still lived in it, and he wished to see them continue to live happy and one day his family could be reunited.

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