Chapter 167: A Reunion of Dragons (3)

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Suzume's eyes radiated like golden flames when Ryota came her way. Suzume always had a natural talent for Kuso. Among her peers, she was the first to awaken Kuso and the most adept at using it.

Even a born prodigy like Ren had little control in using the ability. But Suzume, through intense training beneath Sayuri's guidance, was able to awaken her Kuso to the next stage.

By evolving her Kuso, Suzume was granted the power to use Seismic Sense, a skill that allows her to see through the earth and better understand her soundings.

Suzume touched the ground. The initial state of the Kuso slowed down Ryota's movements allowing her to perceive them.

The initial white blur Suzume saw was Ryota's reiki. He was using it to coat his body in a mystical aura resembling a gust of wind. By enhancing his body with reiki, Ryota was able to exceed his body's natural limit.

As if being guided by a raging torrent, Ryota swung at Sayuri directing a sea of diamonds her way. But Suzume countered by summoning a mountain of diamonds to block the crystalized onslaught. With a snap of her fingers, Suzume added distance between them by splitting the earth with a field of diamonds.

"Not bad." Ryota complimented flatly. "You've gotten a lot better Suzu."

Suzume dipped her head. There was a time where a compliment from Ryota was all she wanted, but now Suzume wasn't sure how to feel.

Like Sayuri, Ryota was the instigator for a lot of the hardships in Suzume's life.

Ryota's the reason why Sarah is dying.

Ryota's the reason why Sayuri pushed Suzume so hard.

Ryota's the reason why Suzume broke into tears during her night with Ren.

"..." Silence became Suzume's voice when she tried to speak. There were so many things Suzume wanted to say to Ryota but didn't possess the strength to do it. She wanted to hug him and sink into his arms. She wanted to tell him she was grateful he was still alive.

But another part of Suzume burned like blackfire, drowning Suzume's blissful emotions in a sea of hate. She wanted to curse Ryota's existence. She wanted to tell him to rot in hell.

It was because of Ryota that Suzume's interpretation of love became so disillusioned. Whenever Sayuri left a scar on Suzume's back, Ryota would heal Suzume's scars by leaving scars of his own. Scars that weren't visible to the naked eye but hurt all the same.

Suzume remembered laying there whenever Ryota forced himself on her. She never once fought back. He'd always call it his sensual healing, providing her with "Love" when Sayuri wouldn't.

A chaotic melody leaked from Suzume's mouth when she recalled those long nights. The melody came out as a soft tune, a series of weeps before evolving into hysterical sobs.

Mei watched in pure silence as Suzume's cold demeanor crumbled like a falling glacier. The noises she made didn't even sound human. Suzume gagged, coughed, and puked as visceral emotions tore Suzume apart inside and out.

Mei's eyes flashed, seeing herself doing the same when Ryujin forced her to devour her family. The noises were similar, and the guttural bawling only made Mei see red. Mei covered her ears; Suzume's intense sobbing struck Mei's brain like a gong.

Blue flames seared Mei's mind. "Ikumi..." With Makoto's voice acting as a trigger, visions of the past shot at Mei like bullets. Mei saw Makoto smiling. Mei saw herself playing with Emilio. Slowly Mei's visions were stained red when two shadows formed in her mind.

The first was Ryujin, standing over her like a black cloud and forcing her to consume her kin.

The second was Homura holding Emilio by the throat.

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