Chapter 102: Responsibility

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"This is a Fumiko issue and it will remain as such"

Ren's head sunk lower remembering Suzume's words. Her words felt like daggers, digging deeper into his skin each time he heard them. Leaving wounds far deeper than the last.

"I wonder if this is what the Maiden was talking about?" Ren sulked. His voice lacked its usual vibrancy, now sounding dull as if all life had been drained from it. 

"The Maiden?" Dustin's face perked up. 

"Don't get too excited." Ren murmured still carrying his dull tone. "She isn't anyone you'd be interested in, trust me." 

"Wait wait wait, don't jump the gun just yet." Dustin folded his fingers "Tell me more about this Maiden."

Ren lightly scoffed, realizing he is only dragging Dustin down a trail of potential despair "I've actually told you about her before."

"You did?"

"Yes I did." Ren's voice shifted again, void of the previous emptiness and now gradually being filled with some semblance of regret. With a light wave of his hand Ren batted the comment falling back on his own words "It's not important just forget about it."

"I will not." Dustin frowned, digging deep within the limitless archive inside of his head. Ren figured Dustin would latch onto something eventually.  "You know you make this a lot harder than it has to be Ren."  


Dustin quickly clapped his hands together before sluggishly leaning over the table "Details details I need em. You called her a Maiden she must be beautiful right?" For a moment Ren's thoughts froze before falling into a light scowl. The mere thought of the Maiden made Ren's chest burn. "Beautiful isn't exactly how'd I put it."

Beautiful? Although appealing to a man's eye, beautiful was never something Ren viewed her as. Ren had always thought beautiful would pertain to someone who was not only pretty, but also had pure qualities to them, perhaps someone like Suzume or Sarah.

The longer Ren thought about it the more confused he felt. In many ways the Maiden did remind Ren of them, she was not only pretty but had a strange purity to her. Although on the opposite side of the spectrum. In the same way Suzume and Sarah's beauty was dignified in the light, the Maiden's shined just as bright within the darkness.

A phenomenon Ren hadn't witnessed with anyone else. 

Ren pondered on it more, now thinking about the variety of girls he had met throughout the years. He first thought about Olivia, she was a bit rough around the edges but still fairly attractive. But in Ren's eyes didn't necessarily fall into the category of beautiful, if anything more sexy someone you'd lust for but not necessarily someone you'd swoon over.

Ren then thought about Nadine, although charming in a similar regard to Sarah, Nadine's personality was rotten and her looks were nothing to gawk over.

Ren narrowed his thoughts now falling onto Erica. He recalled people noting her beauty in a similar manner to Natsumi, but he never viewed Erica this way. Ren's mouth churned the longer he thought about Erica, perhaps it was because he had seen sides to her that no one else has seen.

Ren recalled all of Erica's strange tendencies, like when he walked down the hall and noticed her using the restroom with the door open.

"A hero has to be ready to spring into action at all times!"

Or how she'd get tipsy over a single glass of wine.

"R-ren....carry me to bed I don't feel so good..." 

The sound of vomiting, and the smell of that room refreshed Ren's mind snapping him back to reality. "Disgusting..." Ren thought "Absolutely disgusting...definitely not beautiful...Ms. Erica is more like a pig if anything..." 

Dustin tipped his head, a bit off-putted by Ren's grotesque frown. In fact throughout the time they've known each other, he hadn't seen Ren make that face even once. "Uh Ren? You're leaving me cold, details I need details!" Dustin repeated once again reminding Ren of the core subject.

"Uh...lets see." Ren's frown remained, still finding difficulty even imagining the Maiden of Darkness. Each time he did he only envisioned her enveloped in shadows giving him her usual cocky smirk. 

"What kind of details do you want?"

"...Man for fucks sake!" Dustin exploded in a fit of anger, riling up power seemingly out of nowhere "I WANT TO KNOW EVERYTHING, WHAT DOES HER FACE LOOK LIKE, HER TITTIES, HER BUTT BRO!" Dustin slapped the table repeatedly leaving a large dent in it. "For fuck should know this stuff man."

Ren remained quiet, seeing Dustin this agitated wasn't any different than the norm. However Ren still felt a bit odd talking about women in front of him. 

"If you weren't dating Suzume I'd probably assume you were gay or something." Dustin then leaned back, pressing his hands against the back of his own head. "Although I suppose Suzume could just be a cover up." Dustin continued to speculate "Most couples would have fucked by now, but you haven't even made a single move."

"Huh? Dude I ain't gay!" Ren shot back, now looking offended. "Me and Suzume kiss all the time!"

Dustin gave Ren a blank stare not faltering in the slightest to his claim. 


"What do you mean bullshit? You've seen us do it!"

Dustin rocked in his chair with a stiff smile "Doesn't matter, you're still an in the closet homo." Dustin then fully leaned forward positioning his chair normally "If you weren't gay you would have fucked Suzu by now."

Ren let out a sigh slightly annoyed by Dustin's belligerent comments "Not everything is about sex...besides if you were dating her you'd be in the same boat as me." Dustin's eyes enlarged growing as big as watermelons "BET!" Dustin swayed his hands back and forth matching the movements of his words "Man... if I was dating Suzume I would have torn that up by now. She's hot as fuck. Flat chested or not I'd dive in."

Ren blinked a few times. He couldn't believe how disgusting Dustin's words were. No he couldn't believe that someone could possibly be that horny. Ren shook his head seemingly adjusting his mind from the sudden whiplash of Dustin's words.

"Dude you're nasty."

"Dude you're gay." 

Ren and Dustin traded glares and suddenly looked away.

"Maybe Suzume was right, you do run your mouth alot." Ren admitted "You say all this stuff about Suzume and me, but I haven't seen you tryna do shit for Olivia." 

Dustin winced as if being punched in the chest. He remained silent for a bit while Ren continued to talk "Even i've gotten further than you."

Dustin's face darkened.

"You are still hanging around acting like a simp towards every girl who crosses your path, while I was sleeping in the same room as her." 

That was it.

Dustin's vision burned causing everything in his line of sight to glow red. He could feel his blood beginning to boil, and his skin growing hot. "YOU BASTARD." Dustin tackled Ren across the table causing the two to tumble. 

Dustin yanked at Ren's hair, while Ren pulled at his cheeks causing the two to resemble kids wrestling on the playground.

"Neanderthals the both of you." 

Both Ren and Dustin stopped holding themselves in place as if posing for a picture. In a matter of seconds the two turned noticing Seth standing at the doorway with Sarah sitting in her wheelchair in front of him.

It seemed like Seth was helping her maneuver around since Arthur wasn't there.

"Oh Seth don't be mean." Sarah smiled "They're just having fun." Sarah pulled her attention from Seth and refocused on both Ren and Dustin. "I'm glad you both have started to get used to this place. I know the atmosphere can be a bit..." Sarah took a small look at her Brother "...tense"

Seth noticed this and immediately scowled "What's that supposed to mean?" Sarah then let out a slight giggle "Oh nothing."

Seth rolled his eyes and grabbed onto Sarah's chair pushing her forward, assisting her in moving about. 

Ren watched quietly. It was a bit odd to see this side of Seth, this caring side to him. For so long Ren had only witness Seth act like a tyrant viewing things single minded, and showing little to no compassion for anyone.

For Marie when she left the school, no longer wishing to go down the hero's path. Seth treated her the same way he did anyone else.

For Olivia when she was expelled for her consecutive failures, and was forced to forsake her own dream Seth only smiled and called her useless. 

Ren stared at Sarah for a moment recalling the things she told him about Seth on their first date. About how different Seth was before their Mother died, and how different he became after her death.

"Is this how he was before?"

"Is this how they acted before?"

Regardless if it was or if it wasn't Ren couldn't help but smile. It was a big step one in the right direction. Towards not only improving their bond as siblings, but for Seth becoming a better person.

Ren quickly got up dusting himself off before approaching the two of them. He lightly smiled acknowledging Sarah before staring up at Seth only to receive a stare filled with bullets.

The hostility behind the stare left Ren a bit baffled, unsure how to even respond to it. So Ren took a step back choosing to pick up the conversation with Sarah instead. "Thank you for having us. I'll make sure this one...doesn't make as much ruckus next time." 

Dustin frowned at the comment and looked away.

Sarah fanned Ren's words causing her fire to only burn even hotter "Oh its fine, this place does to be liven up a bit." Sarah carried her usual smile, before her stare intensified on Ren "Besides, I've been wanting to see you again for awhile."

Ren, Seth and Dustin all shared similar expressions. They all seemed to hear the subtle shift in Sarah's tone, reminding Ren of Suzume's not to long ago. Ren looked at Dustin, he definitely heard it and looked a bit frightened. Then Ren looked at Seth, whose expression immediately changed hardening like steel.

"It has been awhile." Ren admitted trying to shake his nerves "I haven't seen you at school much." There it was at that exact moment Ren felt it. The intensity of the room doubled in a matter of seconds, making Ren feel as if he had a mountain on his back. 

Seth's stare had changed, it was still hostile like before but far more raged filled than their previous encounter.

"Why does he keep staring at me like that? We haven't talked in months I couldn't have done anything to piss him off..."
Sarah scratched her cheek peeling away at her light smile. "Well I haven't been at Goldendale much as of recently..." Sarah didn't say any more than that, in fact she seemed hesitant to do so. "Anyways, I hope you both enjoy your stay I'm sure Arthur will be here later tonight."

Sarah gave Seth a stern look and Seth let go allowing Sarah the freedom that she wanted. Seth watched her leave before lightly shaking his head with a small snarl.

"Geez what was that about? I never took Sarah as the gloomy type." Dustin mumbled.

"Fucking idiots..." Seth muttered, he shot Ren another glare no longer hiding his clear anger for him. But Ren stayed quiet ready to take whatever rage Seth was going to unleash at him. "You're a cunt you know that."

"Eh? Hey!" Dustin quickly intervened, based on how fast Seth stepped up to Ren it looked like he was ready to strike him down. Dustin then felt a wave of anxiety after meeting with Seth's eyes, now realizing the amount of danger he put himself in. "N-now there...just relax, Ren hasn't done there shouldn't be anything to be mad about." Dustin then looked at Ren as if waiting for confirmation that he was innocent "Right?"

"Hasn't done anything? Are you brain dead?" Seth questioned "This entire situation is Tachibana's fault." 

Ren's face dimmed. Once again another sin has been placed onto his shoulders. He didn't know what he had done, but after seeing how angry Seth was, whatever it must be had to have been bad. 

"What situation?" Dustin asked "Ren hasn't even been at school the last few days, w-what could he have even done?"

Seth stepped back pulling at his own face trying to suppress his anger. He couldn't believe how clueless Ren was, and how dense Dustin was. Just seeing their dumbfounded expressions made him want to scream and hit them. But of course he had enough class to know not to do so. Seth exhaled like a bull, letting out a wave of steam to disperse into the air.

"Since I've been removed the student council has remained inactive. No one was willing to take the position of president representing the Sophomores." 

Dustin nodded, still looking at Seth stupidly. "Yeah okay we already know that?"

"Shut up you oaf." Seth snapped, Dustin quietly shrieked and stepped back "Until recently, I suppose if you hadn't been around for the last few days Tachibana you wouldn't know. But Nadine and a few other students took position within the council, not only reactivating it but instilling the same rules I did while I was still president."

Ren's face paled. It was obvious, one of the main principles that Seth went by when they first met. The same principles that represents Goldendale and the Hero Association as a whole.


Without it you cannot be allowed into the Hero program.

"That cunt, she..." Seth bit down on his words, attempting to quell the scorching flame that was his anger. "Because of Sarah's paralysis Nadine has voted to remove Sarah from the school."

Dustin's eyes shot open nearly breaking his own glasses "Expulsion? What! My dad would never..."

"Your Dad has no power over the Hero Association." Seth said bluntly "He may be the Deen for the school, but in regards to quality heroes, or children who have influential parents his influence means nothing."

Dustin bit his own lip "Ugh..."

"Who even is Nadine's parents anyways, who is she connected to that can even allow something like this to happen!"

"Nadine's father is Mathis, he's the representative of European division of the Hero Association." 

"Divisions?" It was the first time Ren spoke in awhile, but now his curiosity had spiked.

Seth frowned and nodded "You must not pay attention in government or economics." Seth let out a sigh "I shouldn't have expected anything less from a peasant."

"...The Hero association is split into several divisions, all representing various places throughout the world." Seth explained "You have the North American Division, which is represented by Michael the current number one hero. The South American Division, represented by Angelica Alcala she's the elder sister of the Rank 8 Hero Kinsley. The Asian Division, represented by Akira Fuji & Misaki Fuji, both retired heroes, and finally James Summers the leader of the Hero Association as its Director and Chief."

Ren's mind was spinning from the crammed lecture, stuff like this was never his forte even if he was interested his brain could only last for so long.

"What about Africa? Do we not have any representatives from there?" Dustin questioned.

"No the Africans prefer not to associate with the Hero Association." Seth lightly frowned "In fact Africa is one of the few places in the world the Hero Association's influences haven't reached." Dustin tilted his head, that seemed odd. The Hero Association had always been brought up to be a powerful group of people it was hard to believe they couldn't enter Africa and assist there.

"How come?"

"I don't really know." Seth sighed again, his anger seemed to have fully cooled "My Father would always say, Northern Africa and the Southern parts of Asia and Europe were dangerous places."

"So the middle east?" Dustin inquired.

"Yeah, apparently some really messed up guys live there, and no matter how many Heroes we sent there they always come up missing." Seth put his hand on his chin "But with all this Lupus stuff going around, I wouldn't be surprised if they've sworn their allegiances to them."

Lupus, Ren heard it again. The group seemed to be spoken about nonstop. Ren wasn't sure what it was about the group, whether it was the name or the fact Erica was sent to face them that left goosebumps across his skin. 

The name struck him deep, as if rekindling a flame that had been long dead.

"Seth, where is Sarah now?" Ren asked.

Seth shot Ren his usual glare but Ren didn't fret in the presence of it. In fact he remained calm holding a solid expression, eagerly waiting for an answer.

"Whenever she's upset Sarah usually hangs around in the garden."

"Thank you, I'll make sure to apologize to her." Without saying anything else Ren stepped forward choosing to walk past Seth. The two choose not to say anything to each other, seeing no need to. But Seth couldn't suppress his desire to say something. A question he had for awhile now.

"How's Nyssa."

Ren blinked for a moment stopping "What?"

"How's Nyssa?" Seth asked again. 

Ren turned back to Seth confused. Why would he be asking about Nyssa, especially now of all times. Was he asking to mock him? Knowing full well Ren had no idea how she was doing.

But the longer Ren stared the more obvious it was Seth was asking out of pure curiosity.

"I think we've both poked enough into our families lives. Let's just keep it at that." Ren told him before stepping away.

Seth was stunned, it was odd to see Ren act so cold. 

But Seth shrugged it off remembering what Mei told him awhile back. 

"I hope you are prepared to be the one to force a blade into her heart."

Since then those words seemed odd. What did Mei's pupiless eyes see that he couldn't, of course there was all the destruction Nyssa caused. Of course if it wasn't for Nyssa Sarah would still be able to walk. And of course if Nyssa went haywire again Seth would be responsible, having the chance to kill her but choosing not to.

Seth raised his head watching Ren walk away in the distance.

"Tachibana, what do you know that I don't?"

Chapter End

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