Chapter 117: A Hatred That Runs Deeper Than Blood

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Ikumi's hand throbbed, forming veins along its sides as it forcibly pumped blood into the man's body causing it to morph. The man let out vicious screams as his body painfully changed turning into something that couldn't even be described as human.

Ikumi calmly stared at the gruesome sight looking at it as if she had seen it hundreds of times before. A human desperately trying to cling to life while another force was pitifully trying to end it.

"I really hate people like you." Ikumi flared "People who desperately cling onto life despite having no reason to." her voice remained calm but her eyes were as hot as fire. "So why don't you just die already?"

Ikumi's words continued to sink, becoming deeper and more twisted with each passing second. Sending waves of fear into the man's already dying mind. The man opened his mouth trying to speak but only to fail miserably. In place of words only came gargles a sound created from the blood rising up his throat.

From within it felt like the Man's insides were on fire. The properties of Mei's blood seemed to be unique, causing the Man's inner organs to melt and turn into gush. Moments later the man convulsed, once again opening his mouth only to spew out clumps of blood.

"Please!" He internally screamed "For the love of god please end this! Kill me just kill me!"

Nonetheless these pleas couldn't be heard. Ikumi simply glared at the man with eyes of sin. Show no sign of remorse or even a shred guilt "You..." Her voice seemed to trail, but the man soon realized her fading voice was only due to one of his ears dissolving.

The man huffed trying his best to endure the pain until he was no longer able to do so. The sensation of his innards boiling was too much for him to fathom. So once again he opened his mouth attempting to speak but no words came.

It was impossible, the pain he was feeling was incomprehensible and the words he wanted to say to describe the pains simply didn't exist. The man looked to Ikumi once more, pleading and crying tears of blood. "Please end this, just kill me I can't bare it any longer. What did I do to deserve Hell like this?!" The more he cried and the more he wailed the more his eyes continued to dissolve. Producing tears until they were no longer able becoming nothing more than a stream of red and white blood.

Being freed of his eyes almost seemed like blessing and a curse. Fortunately he was freed of the pain of having another organ become ooze, but he was also robbed of seeing whatever horrors Ikumi had planned.

But the moment his eyes faded the Man felt his other senses quickly rise. Making up for the lost of one of his senses with the exchange of buffing the others.

It was at that moment the Man heard what Ikumi was trying to say. The words she had long muttered with a dirtied taste in her mouth. "You humans break far too easily." hearing that made the Man's stomach churn. He didn't understand what she meant "You humans?" her words sounded like she was implying she was something else entirely. Something much greater.

With her usual sleek smile Ikumi's hand drove further into the Man's head breaking the skin on the other side. "No matter..." Ikumi giggled summoning a chill of laughter to strike the man from all over. "I'll turn you into something even better ❤."

Similar to before the Man's face contorted. His skin bubbled and burst letting out pockets of red steam similar to a pot of boiling oil. Each time his skin would burst new skin would replace it, being darker than the last.

This rigorous process continued over and over for the span of 3 minutes, reforming the man into a new beast entirely. Even though these 3 minutes for Ikumi felt like seconds, for the Man it felt like days. An endless pain that was sure never to go away. An excruciating pain that went on forever. However after these 3 minutes passed Ikumi pulled her hand out from the Man's skull watching the wound she left heal as if it hadn't been damaged to begin with.

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