Chapter 128: Destruction

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Crackle Crackle

It was the first thing Natsumi heard when her mind began to waver...

Crackle Crackle

It was the second thing Natsumi heard when her vision began to fade...

Crackle Crackle

It was the last thing Natsumi heard before hearing a familiar voice...


Natsumi jolted her head upwards staring up at the sky in disbelief. "There's no way." Natsumi thought, quickly looking around to make sure someone wasn't playing some cruel joke. After a few head turns and a few strange stares Natsumi immediately came to the conclusion that the voice she heard was real.

"Mom...?" Just saying her name made Natsumi's skin tingle as if electricity was surging through it. Never in her life did Natsumi ever expect to hear her mother's sweet voice again. "Mom...what's going on why can I hear your voice...?"

There was a brief silence as if the words that were previously spoken had vanished from this world. Natsumi held her tongue, now sensing something odd in the air. Natsumi shifted her head up before immediately lowering it when she felt something painful crawling beneath her skin.

For a moment Natsumi winced feeling a scorching pain rise within her, as if her blood had been set on fire. "Hah..." Natsumi heaved, feeling the pain grow stronger and stronger as each second went by.

"You have to stop him..."

"He's going to destroy everything..."

Once again Natsumi heard Irene's words. A distant echo calling from the world beyond. When Natsumi opened her mouth to speak her throat was filled with a blazing pain making it feel as if she had swallowed needles.

Soon Natsumi fell to her knees with a weak gasp while her body heat continued to rise. Despite Natsumi's lack of relation to fire her body burned as if it had been doused in it.

"Oh my god, what's going on?" Some people muttered backing away from her.

"Is she okay?" A woman asked.

"Someone get a hero!" A man screamed.

"Fuck no, god dammit!" Natsumi's thoughts began to spew acting as oil to only allow the flames of pain spread more. The last thing she wanted was to cause a scene. Original Natsumi had hoped she'd be able to slip in and out of Vermillion City just like before, and keep a low profile until the other Lupus members were ready to strike. But now she was the center of attention, and no matter how badly she wanted to move her body for some reason it was as stiff as cement.

Sweat and smoke leaked from Natsumi's body leaving the people around her to panic even more. Natsumi had no clue why her body was smoking considering she wasn't on fire, nor had any sort of fire related powers.

"This has to be Mom's doing..." It was the only conclusion Natsumi could come to. But even if that was the case then why? Why would she put her own daughter in danger like this, and how is she able to communicate with her beyond the grave. "Mom...what are you talking about..?"

Once again there was a long pause with no response. Natsumi only heard the frightened voices of the masses.

"Young girl are you alright?" A man asked leaning over to Natsumi's side.

Even though the pain was getting progressively worse, Natsumi was able to tolerate it enough to now speak "Ugh....I'm fine. I'm just feeling a little weak that's all, if I rest for a bit I should be fine." she groaned.

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