Chapter 28: Oracle

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"Is this the place?"

"Yeah I think it is."

Two dark haired teens lightly looked up at the building before them. The light from orange rays bounced off the crumbling frame of the building. Cobwebs were decorated along the windows forming a white layer of silk.


Ren's scarlet eyes peered over at the brunette beside him who was suddenly overcome with goosebumps. Her hands rubbed up and down her arms as her lips quivered oddly.

"Is there something wrong?"

Suzume shot a stare back at him before glancing upwards at the multicolored sky. It had a mixture of colors ranging from flame like oranges to calm deep sea blues. The sky darkened quickly as the sun decided to take a rest behind the mountains leaving the girl to shiver even more.

"Suzume?" Ren lightly patted her shoulder with his hand before giving her a somewhat worried stare. He didn't say much else, but his lips remained in a crescent shape.

The crystal eyed student then broke the silence falling into her usual embarrassment. She rubbed the back of her head sheepishly as she spoke softly "Sorry but ever since I was a child I've been kinda scared of..."

Her voice then faded as she trailed off.

"Scared of what?"

"...the dark" she let out a noise of discomfort looking away as she chewed her nails vigorously. Her rested at the corners hesitating to move before she once again felt something soft touch her shoulder.

"Oh isn't this romantic, Renji is trying to comfort me in my time in need...I am not deserving of him!" Suzume swirled around facing Ren with heart shaped eyes as she spoke sweetly "Oh Ren there is no need to be worried about me I'm fine!"

She then stopped as she noticed Ren wasn't touching her in fact he was several feet away from her wearing his usual dumbfounded stare.

"Wait if you didn't touch me then who did..."

Her head slowly turned like a gear being wind up. As her head finally came full circle her eyes widened at the sight that was now within her vision.

A furry slime covered rat sat on her shoulder causally holding an olive within its hand. The rat then turned to her as it's lips curled into a smile and spoke in a small voice "Hey it's about time you noticed me!"

"It can talk..."

Suzume's blue eyes began to rotate in circles eventually going so fast that it resembled a whirlpool. Her mouth slowly opened growing wide as a blood screeching echo escaped from it.

The shout was loud and powerful, it roared down the street lightly shaking the building and cracking several of the windows that were still intact.

Suzume's skin began to bubble as diamond shards shot from her shoulder at the large rodent.

The rat's eyes grew causing a golden glow to come from them. With a single twitch the ran courses down Suzume's collarbone using its small claws to dig into her shirt so that it wouldn't fall off.

"Ugh..." Suzume once again let out a grunt filled with disgust as the rat left trails of slime across her school uniform as it ran behind her neck.

"Now then for the finisher!" The rat leaned upwards and placed its hands together diving straight into Suzume's shirt sliding down her chest.

Suzume's tan face grew crimson as blood and embarrassment rushed forth. The rodent ran up and down her outfit forming various bulges all over.

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