Chapter 15: The Secrets That We Decide To Keep

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Large blue eyes shifted to the side and met the gaze of a concerned teen.

"Whats wrong?"

"Issho-Sensei tells me that I shouldn't come here as often. He says my actions will sway your judgement..."

Erica's hand tightened and clenched into a fist "I'm not really sure what he meant by that, so I want to here it from your mouth."

"He's not wrong"

Erica's mouth fell open and quivered as if she was struggling to keep her emotions at bay.

"You are a bit too young to understand right now, but as you grow older you'll come to realize everyone has a purpose in life."

"Some people are meant for greater things, and some people are born to help people achieve greater heights." The woman stood up and weakly smiled, her cheeks were sucked in and her body looked extremely thin and malnourished.

Her began to shine brightly shifting from blue to gold as she wrapped her arm around Erica "I love you like you were my own sister."

"But for that reason...I'd like you forget about me"

With a sudden gasp the air in the room remained still. Nervous sweats built up along the frame of Erica's forehead as she held the cell phone to her ear.

"Y-you want me to do what?"

"It's just as I said before, I want you to exterminate them." Michael's voice remained stern but also somewhat charming. He spoke with a sense of dignity but also arrogance "The only way to preserve peace is my permanently getting rid of the problem right?"

"Yes but killing isn't the way to do that..."

"Why not, when people commit heinous deeds isn't t only fair to punish them the same way they attempted to punish us?"

A tight vein grew along ridge of Erica's neck as she slammed her fist down against her table causing all the plates to bounce up.


Nyssa jumped at then sudden angry outburst from her mother, and stared at her wide eyed. Erica noticing this took a deep breath and let out a exhausted sigh "I'm not taking the lives of criminals, and I'm not going to let your absolute view of justice guide me."

"When will you learn that your ways are inefficient Erica. It's because of you falling back on your morals that you child is fatherless is it not?"

Erica bit her lip and a subtle growl grew in her voice "That was uncalled for..."

"Goodbye Michael please don't call me again unless you want your wings torn from your back."

Erica hastily hung up her phone and gripped onto it tightly as if she were tempted to break it. Her grip weakened and another reluctant sigh escaped from her lips.

"Are you okay mommy?"

Erica responded to Nyssa with a soft smile and nodded "Of course mommy had to deal with an unpleasant person that's all."

Erica then slowly walked over to Nyssa and kneeled in front of her. Her coffee brown eyes stared into Nyssa's large crimson ones "Nyssa I love you more than words can describe y'know"

"No matter what anyone may say about me I don't want you to ever think otherwise." She quickly hugged Nyssa almost as if she were afraid that the child would run.

"I'm sorry I can't take you to the Zoo today but I promise after Ren is done training for this tournament we can go and maybe we can even invite Natsumi as well."

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