Chapter 51: Childhood

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The memories that we shared are now left behind us...

All I remember is his voice.

The softness of it, and the way it made my heart feel.


No that's not it.


Closer, but that isn't it either.


Yes, I was scared!

But of what exactly?

Was it because of him?


It was something else.

Something that only I could sense deep within me.

A voice that would call out to me, and brought forth a power that I've never felt.

A power that made me feel unstoppable.

Crimson eyes winced as rays of light wiggled into the cracks of an eyelid. The eyes seemed frail, as if they hadn't opened in a long time.

Days, weeks, months?

Perhaps even years.

A groggy feeling quickly overwhelmed the individual causing them way in and out of a light daze. Their eyes were glazed over, as a trail of saliva leaked from the side of their mouth.

"Humph...even after all this time your body still resists the effects."

The voice seemed to fluctuate in tone, every few seconds. It would blare in, and blare out constantly causing the semiconscious individual to lie there in a state of confusion.

"Where am I..."

The voice was soft, clearly feminine with an odd sense of maturity to it. Making it unclear to determine the age of the person lying there.

As the drowsy eyed person glanced up weakly they were able to make out a single thing. As the lights flared at a brightness unbearable to the average person, a short individual stood.

They had a shadow casted over them causing it to be difficult to make out how they looked. But one thing was visible as clear as day, the demented look to their smile, and the single gold tooth that shimmered against the light.

"You are home"

With those final words the individuals sight began to fade, as the darkness took over them. Leaving them to sink into the depths once more only to be awaken at the proper moment.


I came to nearly as fast as I was put to sleep. The grogginess I felt was gone, but the confused feeling that I felt was still with me.

The room was quite, no sounds broke free within the chamber, but I could sense wherever I was wasn't safe.

The woman leaned forward as an odd heaviness overtook them. The weight felt more focused along the chest, nearly throwing them off balance when they tried to stand up.

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