Chapter 181: A Part Of You

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Ren didn't sleep, or would it be more accurate to say he couldn't sleep?

Sleep was a reward meant for the jaded mind. But Ren didn't have the luxury of encountering fatigue. His mind was always active like an electric current. Energy flowed from his brain to his nerves, and finally, his muscles.

It kept him from sleeping like many things. Like the fear, he had for the eternal night.

Renji, do you love me?

Ren heard Mei call from the shadows of the night. Her voice was like a snake's fangs, sinking its melody into his veins and corroding his mind with sorrow and hate.

He didn't understand her. No one did. How could one come to understand a woman who didn't even understand herself? Mei lost her identity when she shed the skin of Ikumi. Only leaving behind a rotten woman determined to become a vessel of hate.

No, I don't.

Ren answered her, calmly and honestly. He hoped responding to her beckoning call would force her to leave him be. But deep down, Ren knew it wouldn't be that easy.

You do.

Mei insisted. Her voice was persistent. Ren felt her presence loom over him like a lurking shadow.

No, I don't.

Ren's voice wavered in conviction. He never felt strong before Mei. She had seen him at his weakest and most vulnerable. No matter how much he rose, and no matter how many titles he gained, Ren was nothing more than a child before the face of the devil.

Yes, you do.

Ren watched the darkness spread apart like Moses splitting the red sea. On the blackness of the floor lay Manasa, who slept noisily alongside the rest of his family.

Suzume and Maija mutually decided to come together. Both of them recognized their importance in healing Ren's broken mind and thought it best to view each other as equals rather than adversaries.

Maija slept with Ren and Suzume. At first they were both against it. Thinking it best for Manasa to sleep with Nyssa or Maija instead.

However Manasa was latched to Ren's side and never let him walk out of her line of sight.

Maija also believed Manasa could be the key to Ren overcoming his hatred for Ikumi...

They all slept together. In one bed within one room.

Ren's eyes raced to Manasa, his first child, his daughter with Mei. He worried for Manasa. She was innocent and kind. He was fretful of her good nature and worried it'd make her more susceptible to hate.

Ren recalled Mei's past. She wasn't born evil. No one was. Evil or darkness is only born from the negativity of the world, and in Mei's case, it was Ryujin's hate.

The way you feel about her stems from me, doesn't it?

Ren felt Mei's essence coil around him like a red cloud. "No it doesn't." Ren finally answered aloud.

"Yes it does." Ren saw her face in the clouds. Her scarlet eyes and brown skin shimmering like volcanic glass. It was evil how beautiful she was. "You may deny it, but you know it's true." The red clouds shifted and swarmed around Manasa like a toxic fog.

"?!?" Ren jumped up. "Stay away from her!" he shouted defensively. But long fingers tore from the clouds and reached for Mei's lips.

"Quiet Renji, our baby is sleeping."

Anger swelled in Ren's face. "Don't call her that."

"Why?" Mei looked puzzled. She ran her tongue against her succulent red lips, exhibiting their fullness with her moist tongue. "Does it anger you?" It only took a single look for Mei to get her answer. "Of course it does."

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