Chapter 54: Souls

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It looms over us like a ghost waiting for us to stray too far down a specific path...

Once we stray too far we lose sight of ourselves...

Never to return to the way we once were...

300 Years Ago


Just utter chaos...

These were the words thought by many who thought to take this voyage. The unfortunate circumstances they'd be met with, only for a Promised Land that may or may not even exist.

Although this time was a little different...

Similar to most people who had come to America these people sought freedom. A place far from the enemies that had been hunting them nearly to extinction.

But unlike the rest they were not European...

The people of the ship had a multi ethnic look to them, exerting traits from various Asian lands.

All of them had dark hair, varying from shades of brown or of black. They all shared brown skin varying along the spectrum from light to dark.

Despite all of these characteristics resembling southern Asians there was a single thing that did separate them from the rest.

And that was their eyes...

Regardless of the parents they were born to each member of the clan produced Scarlet eyes. It was a trait they took pride in, but also a trait that haunted them making them easier to point out from their enemies.

These were the Fujiwaran people residents of Fujiwara Island an Island south of the Japanese coast, but North of the Philippines.

To most Asian countries the Island was known as the isle of Fujiwara, a term given to them by the Japanese out of respect for their power.

(Fujiwara was the greatest noble clan in classical Japan)

But to the outside world they were known as Devils...


A mountain of waves crashed against the boat with a thunderous echo. Both water and people were pushed along the deck, causing screams to mix in with the rumbling thunder.

"Homura!" A man's voice called, he spoke in a tribal language much more brutish than English.

He looked upwards staring at the mass of the ship with huge eyes only to see a girl. She wore a serious glare, standing alone with a single spear at hand.

"Homura!" He called once more finally grabbing her attention.

Homura turned her head only to stare back at him stone faced.

"Homura, can't you see this was a mistake!"

"The gods are punishing us for leaving the island!"

Chasing Dreams (Dropped)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora