Chapter 185: Uprising

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"I want to be a Hero."

For his entire life, Seth only had one dream. He wanted to become strong. Strong enough to protect himself. Strong enough to protect his family. And strong enough to attain his dream.

"Why?" Samantha would ask him. Seth would never understand why. He always found his mother to be a strange woman. She was kind, far too kind for her own good. "Do you love the people of this city?"

At first, Seth wouldn't answer. He didn't know how to. Seth didn't have a strong attachment for the people of the city. The only people he cared for was his family.

"No." Seth answered honestly. "I only love you Mother. Sarah and Father too."

Samantha gently ruffled Seth's hair. He was similar to his father in many ways. Seth had Samwell's face and his steel-like hair. But unlike Samwell, Seth had her sea-blue eyes.

"That is good but not good enough." Samantha always smiled at her son. "If you want to become a hero Seth you must love everyone not just your family. For the people our your strength. Just as you and Sarah are my strength. And I am your Father's strength."

"But why?" Seth was too young to understand. He didn't get why his love had to step outside of his family. But Samantha took him and rested him on her lap, holding his hands.

"Listen to me Seth. Love is a powerful emotion, but very few use it as their strength. As a Hero it is your duty to protect everyone, and as a Vermillion it's your responsibility to protect this city. Vermillion City is our home we are the Kings of this city. So, the people of this city would be our subjects. We rule over them, and we fight for their sake. They love us so in return we love them."

"Do you understand?" Samantha asked, but Seth shook his head, not following.

Samantha rested her hands on Seth's lap, kissing the back of his head.

"What I'm saying is. Heroes fight harder when they have something worth fighting for. We fight our hardest for what we believe in and what we love. If you love everyone in our city you will have no reason to ever hold back and not fight at your hardest." Samantha raised her hands, stroking Seth's shoulders. "Even if you do not understand now in due time you will. I have faith, because I know, you my son, will one day be the number one hero."


For many years Seth believed Samantha's words. He held them tight as if clinging to his heart.

"I will become a hero." Seth told himself. "I will surpass Tachibana. I will surpass Arthur. I will surpass Michael and even Sawyer because I am Seth Vermillion and this is my city!"

Seth drew his blade. A blade so red it made the Sun bleed. He stood up, upholding his sword downright, mimicking a stance taught to him by Arthur.

Recognizing the stance, Dustin stepped back. He feared the seriousness of Seth's glare. His cobalt blue eyes held no emotion. Just a firmness that could only be replicated by iron.

He wasn't sure if his choice was the right one.

After all, how could he? Only his actions here and now could determine that. But Seth was determined to see his plan through to the end.

"Astrid." Seth muttered from the coolness of his voice. "Fall back. These two are mine."

Astrid raised a brow. Seth normally wasn't one to make demands of her. She traded glances at him then to the students.

"Are you sure?" Astrid asked. "Aren't these two friends of yours?" Her eyes narrowed, not out of spite but from guilt. She figured it'd pain him to end their lives so soon. So if need be, she was willing to take on the task herself to spare Seth of that pain.

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