Day 2- Day 10

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Day 2
I went to school. I Ignored James because I don't trust him anymore. I made a new friend. His name is Jihanno. His parents are from Spain but he's from Chicago. He's very funny. He got me to stop thinking about James.

Day 3
James tried to apologized to me but I ignored him again. Today I learned how to write with my left hand. It was difficult at first but it got easier through out the day. It was really weird that we learned it in Chorus.

Day 4
Lisa hasn't stop crying at night but thankfully it's a teacher work day and we don't have to go to school. I stayed up all night debating if I should comfort her. I decided not to because we barely know each other and she'll think I'm a bit weird. Then it's an awkward situation. I'm trying to avoid that. I laid on the bed listening to her cries. It was like a baby kitten whimper with a cough.

Day 5
I baked a pie. Ever since I stayed in that house we never had anything home made. I made it but I didn't really want to eat it. I went back to sleep. When I woke up it was gone but there was a note that said 'the pie made me very happy. Thank you.' It had a smiley face. I hope she cry less at night. It was the same except she cried three hours less then last time. I wonder if she know I can hear her.

Day 6
Today's a Sunday so we went to church. I kind of forced her but at least she came. Everyone kept staring at us but I just listen to the pastor. I think I shouldn't be here. He's a bad guy. We should go to another church. A church where the pastor don't abuse their children. I still sat there foot glued to the floor like my butt is to the chair. I looked at James who looked sad. I feel really bad for him. I don't think anybody else knew but me. When it was over Lisa ran to the bathroom. I went to James to apologize.

"James I know now that the way I acted was stupid. I am sorry that I made you go through that. May we be friends... again?" He stood there shock for a minute. He looked at me like he was trying to make sure I was standing here for real. When he came back he had suddenly hugged me. I hugged back to.

"Thank you." Was all he said. I felt his minty breath blow on my ear by accident causing my ear to twitch. He didn't say anything else. I thought that was weird but I didn't mind.

"You Welcome." He looked at my face and moved a few strands of hair and smiled at me. It wasn't the ones he gave me before. It was different. It was like a smile my dad gave to me.

"I want to apologize to." He said walking me around the church again. I listen to him talk and it made me feel bad about what I did. At the first party he was trying to end things with Lisa he was to drunk to end things. At the second party when he wanted to officially end it she asked for one last thing. He now thinking it was a set up because Lisa knew he liked me.

"It's fine now. I have to go. Call me or text me whatever just contact me later." I gave him one more hug and went to Lisa who was putting on make up in the bathroom. She looked better with out all that crap on her face. She looked weird. She smiled a fake smile and walked to me.

"I can't do this anymore." Her fake smile started to struggle on her face.

"You can't do what?" I asked looking her up and down. She tried to stand confident but it wavered.

"I haven't been to church in two years. I can't tell they are judging me." I looked at her trying to figure out how to respond because I feel like if I fuss her out she will be even more afraid to come again.

"Only God can judge us. These people have no power to judge you anyways." She seemed to calm down a little. She grabbed my hand and started to tighten her grip.

"I want to trust other again. May I start with you?" She said looking down shyly. I felt proud of her. She may not know it but I am proud of her.

"Yeah." I said patting her hair down like I wish my mom would have. I saw a great smile cross her face. This day was a great day.

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