Beautiful Lovely

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We went to the store and got some stuff to kept our stomachs from yelling. We song some Lana Del Ray songs because we love her. One of the many things we have in common is knowing the lyrics to all of her songs. Our main song is young and beautiful from The Great Gatsby soundtrack.

"Quiz! When is my birthday?" My dad asked over the music.

"July 23. Next one." I said grabbing a handful of chips.

"What's my mother maiden name!"

"Mary-Ann Rosalinda Crane." I said knowing I was right.

"My favorite vegetable?"


"My least favorite veggie?"

"A sweet potato."

"Is that even a veggie?"

"I don't know, probably." After having a debate on weather it's a veggie or not, we went back to singing. I fell asleep while listening to the radio played some romantic song.

If I had a twenty
I would spend it on a bunny
So you think it's funny

It was a stupid song. Why would you buy a bunny just for laughs? Plus bunnies cost more then a twenty. I don't remember listening to the rest of the song and I was thankful.

"Jamie let's chill here." I looked at the tall hotel. I stretched and got my bag. I waited in the lobby for my father to get our room.

"Hi. My name is Jamie." A random guy walked up to me and held out his hand.

"Hi my name is also Jamie." I said laughing at the coincidence. I shook his hand and observed his face. He had a strong jawline with a little stubble and green eyes. He had long brown hair that was back in a ponytail. He look like he been working out for his arms. His lips was kind of plump and red like he been drinking strawberry kool-aid.

"Hi so I was taking pictures for my photography class. For the final project we must get a picture without putting filters or without photoshop. I think you would be the perfect model." He said looking me up and down making me nervous. He rubbed my hand making me realize how soft his hand were.

"I'm sorry, I don't have what it takes. What about that girl?" I said pointing to a pretty blond who sat with her legs crossed. Her hair flowed down the stool she sat on. She had a magazine on her lap and her phone in her hand.

"Come with me right quick." He dragged me into the kitchen. I sat on top of the counter and looked at Jamie. The wall was a clean pure white with marble counter. I put my hands in between my legs to warm up my hands.

"What should I do?" I said nervously.

"Act normal." He smoothly release from his mouth.

"I can't I'm nervous."

"How about I tell you a joke to calm you." He said sitting across from me on another counter.

"Sure. I would like to see what you got." My legs started swinging excited on what he can bring.

"What do you call a bike that is recyclable?"


"A bicycle." I couldn't help but laugh at how bad it was.

"That was terrible." I grabbed my sides and couldn't stop laughing. There was a sudden Click and I stopped laughing. His camera slowly went down and he examine the photo. I wasn't sure I wanted to see it so I just watched his face to check if it was good or not. His face became gentle and a smile slowly appeared.

"Beautiful." He said looking at me. He came to my side of the counter and showed me. I had my left arm going around my right side. My top teeth showed and my eyes was squint and looking towards towards the camera. My right hand was moving the hair away from my face.

"That's me? But that's beautiful." I said bitting lips.

"I know." He slid closer to me and grabbed my hands. I instantly thought of James. I can't be doing anything with Jamie when I got a boyfriend.

"I have to go. My father is probably waiting for me." I said moving my hand and jumping off the counter. Ugh he is so cute to. I tried to leave based on my bad memory and saw my father receiving the keys for our apartment room.

"Jamie. Will you meet me for breakfast in the cafe? I really like to see you again. Eight o'clock." I nodded my head and walked to my father stealing glances at Jamie a few times. I notice that he never looked away. I waved and follow my father to out rooms. After a nice hot shower I quickly went to sleep. In my dream there was two me. One in white and one in red. I was sitting across from myself. There was Jamie and James sitting in between both of me. In my dream debating over the guys. The white one supporting James and the red one supporting Jamie. What stood out to me the most was when white me said 'We wasted to much time on James to just let him go.' I agreed with her.

I woke up and saw that it was 7:00 in the morning and had a five minute thinking section. I washed my body and put on some decent clothing. I put on my slippers because I was too busy think about what to say. I calmly walked in the cafe full of people at 8:06 and felt bad for being late. I looked around and see him by himself looking at a picture.

"Hi." I said.

"Hello beautiful." I felt my face grow hot as I blushed.

"Are you flirting with me?" I questioned him.

"Of course."

"Well I will need you to stop. I have a boyfriend. We really trying to make it work." He looked sad and looked at the photo again. It was the photo he took of me yesterday.

"Well can we be friends?"


"Thanks." He wouldn't look up so I grabbed my picture and a pen and wrote my name and number.

"Call me when you ever need someone to talk to." I gave him a quick hug and started to walk away.

"Wait! Will you at least eat a little something?" I agreed and made myself waffles, grabbed some eggs, bacon, oatmeal and a spoonful of fruits and sat & chat with Jamie until my father came and got me.

"You ready baby doll?"

"Yes Daddy. Bye Jamie. Call me." I said before I left the table.

Me and daddy drove for about three hours before we reached a yellow three story with a large lawn and perfectly even cut grass. Its like houses you would see on old movies. We walked onto the porch with nervous faces. My dad knocked gently on the door.

"¡Hola!" A maid in a really short dress answered the door.

"Hi is Lovely here."

"Lovli moved. She live dos blocks away on de left. Its a tiny house behind ay lot of trees. Beware of her husband."


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