Boyfriendless Anniversary

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Dylan O' Brian is James.

This morning I had to encourage myself to wake up. My dad promised me that he was going to take me somewhere special. It was a surprise. I woke up extra early to straighten my hair. I was getting batter at it. My grandmother always told me it was a bad Idea to straighten my hair. It is also a bad Idea to bite a cop when he gives you a ticket for not wearing a seat belt.

"Baby girl!" I heard my dad yell for me and I ran to him. I was a bit excited about the little field trip he is going to take me on.

"Daddy." I said jumping to give him the greatest hug ever. He observed my hair and moved a few hair and did a few nods.

"Hurry up and get dressed." I went back to the room and took all the regular pressures to get ready. I had on overalls with a white shirts and some timberlands that I got on sale for $97. My dad gave me a ride to school. We sung to some song on the radio that is always playing.

"Bye daddy." I said waving to my dad who drifted off school grounds. I plugged my earphones in and let the music take my thoughts away. I bumped into someone and dropped my phone. Thankfully I got a screen protector yesterday.

"I am soooo sorry!!" She said really fast. She kept apologizing and picked up her paper. I helped her pick up all her paper. I notice that everything was in Spanish. I could only read a bit of it because I took Spanish one last semester. I gave her the stack that I collected and I got my phone that didn't crack ( Thank you God!). She just kept saying sorry.

"It is ok." I smiled at her and picked up her folder that she was about to leave.

"T-Thank you so much." She said grabbing the folder slowly. She had Large glasses. She was cute because they covered half of her face.

"Hola!" I said taking the Spanish for a spin for the first time in forever.

"Hola! Como te llamas?" Hi what's your name?

"Me llamo Jamie! Y tú?" My name is Jamie. And you?

"Me llamo Mary. Cómo esta?" My name is Mary. How are you?

"Regular... Y tú?" So~so... and you?

"Bien! Qúe Hora es?" Good! What time is it?

"Son Las ocho y Treinta Y uno." It is 8:31.

"Oh no I Will be late if I don't go. Thanks Jamie." She ran off with her paper and ran through the crowd. Good thing she stopped at the part she did because I don't remember anything else from Spanish but how to ask when's your birthday. Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? Oh crap. I have to go to class too. Ugh. I don't think I can make it. I dragged myself to class and sat at my assigned desk. Time went forward really slowly. I did not want to got to third block because that teacher always like to pair up the team and guess who I am always with. James. When I got to third block I sat as far as I could from James. He kept looking at me and it irritated me.

Hi Can we talk? James sent to my phone. I rolled my eyes and put my phone away.

No. I shut my phone down and hope he got the hint that I was still mad.

"Me and Jamie will demonstrate." I looked at James volunteer me without my premission. I don't even know what she was talking about. I sat down in the chair and looked at James.

"Ok talk it out like a Wife and a councilor." The teacher instructed. I flipped my hair and crossed my arm to show that I was mad.

"Ok so tell me why are you mad at your boyfriend. I mean husband." He said crossing his legs and leaning closer to me. He had his hand on his chin like he grew a goatee in that position.

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