Break Free

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James P.O.V

When I saw Liam about to take Jamie with him I wanted to beg him to take me. I wanted to be free too. Once Jamie got hit on the head Liam watched her fall and ran for it. That bastard ain't nothing! I wish I was strong enough. I am so sorry Jamie. I am worthless. I, for the first time in forever, cried at the sight of Jamie beat up body. I wanted to see her happy and safe again. The sight was hurting me. I wanted her to know that I was sorry. I wiped away the tears when I heard Mary and Brett coming. They came in angrily and threw us dog bowls with pretzels inside.

"Here." Brett walked over to me an looked at me aggravated. I haven't even done nothing to him. He undid my cuffs and I fell on ground with a whole bunch of force.

"Save some for your girlfriend." He picked up a pretzel from the bowl and threw near my mouth. I don't know if he knows that I HATE pretzels but Jamie do. They went up stairs. And I tried so hard to get to Jamie. I need to make sure she is fine. She have to be. I want to do so much with her. I want to spend my whole life with her. She may not know this but I love her so much. I just wish I treated her better. I admit my actions was not good. I was sleeping with other girls knowing it would hurt Jamie. I slowly crawled feeling the cement scrap my stomach but I didn't care how much it hurt I just wanted to get to Jamie. I finally got to Jamie and touched the part of her head that had gotten hit with the bad. Thankfully it wasn't bleeding it was just a big bump. That mean she will wake up soon. Thank God. I grabbed her hand and held it to my heart.

"I'm so sorry." I said feeling my throat worsen from yesterday. Even through she didn't move at all it felt good to say it. As I held her hand My mind slowly slipped away taking my vision with it.

Liam P.O.V

How come Mary fail gym class last semester but ran after me for two whole hours? When I finally saw she wasn't running after me. I stopped and caught my breath. Where's the station? I wish I took my car. I started to run again because Jamie is hurt. I feel bad for her. She fell for a jerk and now she is in this predicament. Why did I not get help earlier? Why did I save her before Mary beat her with a metal bat? I felt like I was watching American Horror Story. My legs started getting weak but I didn't stop. If I stop something worse might happen. The police station was seven miles away and I was scared I wasn't going to make it. My heart was going out of control. I saw a car coming and jumped in front of the car without thinking...


I haven't been able to sleep since Jamie been missing. It has been two long days and she haven't gave me any sign that she was living. Everyone I knew in town was helping me try to find her. I knew that leaving her alone was a very bad Idea. I should have called out of work. Her phone and phone was here. I drove slowly to the police station. While I was driving to the police station I saw Jamie boyfriend... Lime... oh no hah it's Liam, he was running as fast as he could killing. He was breathing heavily and sweat spots was all over his Hollister shirt. As I drive past himI think to myself should I pick him up? I don't hate him but.... Jamie wouldn't like it if I didn't stop and help him. Or at least ask for help. I did a quick three point turn and drove towards him. When I was approaching him he jumped in front of my car. Thankfully I stopped just time. He used my car to keep his balance.

"Please... Police..." He hovered over the window. He didn't open his eyes to recognize my face.

"What happened?" I asked in panic. I unlocked the door so he could come inside but he was to weak to open it from the outside. I opened the door for him and he slide inside and slumped down in his seat. He let out heavy breath.

"Jamie..." He replied weakly. He turned towards me finally opening his eyes. I grabbed him by his shirt and grabbed him closer.

"Where is she?!" I screamed into his face that went from tired to shocked. I tried to remain calm but if anything happen to my daughter all hell will break loose.

"Sir we need to go to police stations first. Jamie and James has been hurt." Hurt, my baby been hurt. I didn't know James was missing. His parents never said a thing. I actually like him a bit. I need to help my baby.

"Where are they?" I said. He probably smelt my coffee breath. I didn't mind as long as I get to see my daughter I am fine.

"1087 FineApple Street."

"Mary?" I whispered to myself. I would have never guessed. When I asked her if she knew where she was and she denied her existence.

"Yeah. Sir they are armed we need to go to the police first." I laughed at his comment. He must not know me. I am a father, A father chase his daughter when she's in danger. I gave my phone to Liam and started driving to Mary house.

"Call the police now. When I get in stay in the car and wait for the police. Where did they put Jamie?"

"She is in the basement." He said quietly. We pulled up to her house and Liam was talking to the police. "They kidnapped than and held them prisoner in the basement... We are at the house now... 1087 FineApple street." I got out the car and ran to the door. I was going to knock but the door was wide open. I walked in slowly trying my best not to get caught by anyone. I heard somebody talking and I rushed into a closet that was filled with random objects. I saw a metal bat and held on tight. Though the little crack from the door I saw... Lisa? Why is she here? She was talking with Mary and that Brett dude.

"Why didn't y'all get Liam? He is definitely going to snitch!" She said in a whiny voice. She stomped her feet and crossed her arms. Why Lisa? She was Jamie best friend.

"Sorry Lisa, He was faster and..." Mary sentence slowly drifted off and her eyes adverted away from Lisa. Lisa grabbed Mary by the collar and pulled her closer to her.

"If they find out about James and Jamie we will get in trouble!! If I get in trouble I will KILL you, you understand me?" I am confuse right now. Lisa is her best friend. Why would she do this? I gripped the bat tightly feeling myself get angry. My baby better be save.

"Ok dang."

"Why you so mad at Jamie? I thought she was you're friend." The Brett boy questioned. I think everyone was trying to figure out the same thing.

"She took James from me. He said he loved her and left me." She shook her head like she done her wrong.

"He done the exact same thing to me! Why do he 'love' Jamie so much?"

"If he really loved her, He wouldn't have done all that stupid stuff." That Brett guy included. I only know of one time where he hurt her.

"Jamie found James having sex with another girl. I doubt she wants him." Lisa proclaimed. Why must I hear this? All the things that my baby went through.

"She should have had sex with him. Waiting until marriage is so old." Mary claimed.

"What ever. Lets go get some food." Lisa announced to change the subject. When I heard the front door close I thank God for not getting caught. I slid out the door and looked around the house to find stairs that go down. It took me a while to find it but I found it under the carpet in the front room. I slowly tip toed downstairs feeling my heart beat. Midway down the stairs I saw Jamie laying down. James was holding Jamie hand and his blood was dried on the ground. I couldn't move. Then my ears started to ring when I heard BANG. I felt a burning sensation on my side. I turned to see Brett with a single shot pistol. Where do these kids get these weapons from.

"You think I am stupid? I been waiting for you at the door." My heartbeat drown out his rant. Why is my heartbeat so loud? How come I can smell my blood. It smelt like quart filled with quarters and sweat. Fear sweated out of me. I felt like it was the end for me. Everything went blurry as I watch blood spew out my body quickly. I heard the sirens loudly and a smile him my face before it hit the ground.

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Oh my gosh Thanks to everyone who read my book and voted. I can not believe that you guys liked my story! Thanks so much! I got 5,000 votes and it's makes me really happy that you like my story. I got a question! What do you want to happen in the story? What do you guys think of Lisa backstabbing part? Do y'all forgive James?

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