The Story

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My dad turn on the light and we had a very long conversation and I told him everything. He seemed very sad about what I did. I didn't tell him about James and all the drama and I didn't tell him any names. All I told him was I was at a party had a few drink and danced. Since my dad was a worrying pants I told him a female friend drop me off. He said I was grounded but he didn't take anything from me he just told me to return home from school as soon as possible. I went to school with a massive headache and I was tired cause I only got two hours of sleep. I went to all my classes wishing it to be over. Thankfully James wasn't in any of our classes. When I was suddenly grabbed I started to fight. The person grabbed my arm that I started to freak out even more.

"It's me don't worry!" When I heard that voice I stopped fighting and calmed down. His arms loosen around me and I turned around and hit his chest for scaring me.

"Alex! Don't do that! It's scary." I frowned at him angrily and held my chest calming down.

"I'm sorry I felt like it was a great time to tell you." He lead me to his car and he open the door for me. When he got in he started to try and get comfortable that was difficult for him.

"Ok so what happen? You have to make it quick cause I am grounded." He nodded his head and started driving. He took the long way.

"Me and Lisa use to be great friends." He started grabbing the wheel tighter. I notice he do that a lot. "She was nice and stuff. I got along with her parents and vice versa. We was like two peas on a pod or like white on rice!" He said excitedly "We been together since we were five. On the first day of school I farted real loud and she said 'There's an art in fart'" He laughed "That's how we became friends. At the age of 12 she always talked about being in a relationship. I was thinking about the bible. Then James asked her out. She slowly started to slipped away. I thought since a relationship keeps you busy I may as well get one but I kept getting rejected. The one I asked the most was Candy. I had the hugest crush on her." He started smiling. He started to fiddle with the stirring wheel.

"Had? Looks like you still do." I said laughing. He rubbed the back of his head.

"Maybe." He put both his hands on the wheel.

"Aw that adorable!"

"Anywho, Lisa started to do bad things and I tried to make her be her old self but she would always say stuff like 'James like me like this' or 'James say I'm funner' and all that crap.

"I am not a psychologist or anything but she sounds desperate for love and affection." I said without thinking about what I was saying but it was out in the open now.

"I don't know..." He said looking deeply in the road. I don't understand why he would flirt with me when he's going out with Lisa.

"So is Lisa and James still going out?" I asked scared that the answer is yes. He took a long pause. He just stared at the red light like the answer was in there and he was trying to find it.

"Yes." He said squeezing the wheel again. I looked down in disappoint ment. I was disappointed because I liked him. He's just one of then guys my dad would be scared for me to go near.

"So that's why you don't want me to fall for him." He parked in front of my house and I sat there for a moment and tried to get all my thoughts together but the more I want to stop.

"I don't want you to fall for him because I don't want you to end up like Lisa." I smiled at him and left his car. When I got in my house my father was in the front room sitting down which is weird because he's usually always at work.

"Hi dad. Are you ok?" I asked sitting next to

"Umm yeah!" He said to loud. I know he wasn't fine. He had his suit on and a suitcase by the door.

"Dad you can tell me what's wrong." I said touching his shoulder to know I'm stronger then he thinks.

"Me and your mom are going to ummm California. I was wondering if you could stay with one of my friend daughter she's your age and she lives near the school." He spoke really fast I could barely catch on to what he was saying. I don't know who the chick is or why I need to go but I don't want to.

"Why do I have to stay?" I said moving my hair to the left side of my head to see my father more clearly.

"He don't trust her alone. He couldn't get a babysitter and he was begging me." He looked at me with pleading eyes and his wrinkles made me feel even more pity for the old man.

"How long would I have to stay?" I asked thinking about all the outfits I would have to bring.

"Twelve days." Away from home. Oh no I can't even. Imma be uncomfortable and it will be hard to sleep. She might be weird and wake me up in the middle of the night for a secret meeting.

"When do I leave?" I said putting my hair in a big old bun again.

"Tomorrow Morning. Before school. You don't have to go to school that day but make sure that girl go." He said looking at his phone. It sounded like her was reading a text.

"Do I get paid?"


"I ain't doing it!"

"Don't say ain't!" he said smack my hands playfully making me laugh a bit.

"Then I am not doing it."

"Yes you are cause I said so." The I said said so reason makes me so mad cause I can't argue with it.

"Fine!" I gave up. I went up stairs and started packing. I couldn't keep my mind off of James.


Who will she stay with? Is it safe? Will she see James? Will she get some confirmation? How much drama can fit into the next chapter? See next week or when ever I update..... BYEEE

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