Bad Luck Charm

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Today was Liam's game. I was so proud of his team. It was a weekend so I had woke up late. I rushed and got freshen up and put on the shirt he gave me and some red jeans. I also put on white and red boots cause it's cold. It was there colors. The other school had Gold (or yellow) and black. I think our school has black and white. Yeah it is definitely black and white. I saw Jones on the back. I keep forgetting to wear a hat like he asked. I also wore this chain that I brought.

"Hi dad can I borrow your car?" I asked in a rush. I got to drive over to walmart to get Liam a good luck Gatorade. I have to get the clear or red one or else I am shamed. After my dad gave me the keys I grabbed my white sweater and put it on. When he told me that if I wear anything other then red then I will be shunned like we in the Middle Ages. I put my hair in a ponytail with a RED hairband. I drove to the school and met up with Liam. Since it was warm inside I put the sweater across my hips.

"Hi Liam!" I said as energized as I could. I couldn't be complaining I did get nine hours of sleep. He turned with a smile on his face. He waved then his smile sort of disappeared when he looked at my chest. His friends he was around gasp and they backed away. He grabbed my shoulders.

"What the heck Jamie are you trying to get us to lose?" I looked at him confused. I did everything he ask. He asked for a lot of stuff to.

"What you mean? I did everything you wanted!" I said. I look like a maxi pad with red nail polish pour all over it.

"Your chain is the other team colors. Gold and black!" He said like everyone knew for centuries. Even though it was stupid I threw the chain in the car. I grabbed his drink and gave it to him.

"Here you go!" I smiled at him and gave him his drink. I got both red and clear Gatorade. I was glad to be a help.

"Why did you get two? That's bad luck!" A guy told him his girlfriend didn't give him a Gatorade and he need it. The guy winked at me when Liam looked back at me.

"Ok so is everything good?" I looked around and I felt like I accomplish something even though I seriously did nothing.

"I want to thank you." He said sitting down in a sit that a teacher must left out there classroom.

"Oh it's no problem." I said standing in front of him.

"Yeah it was. I kept being a push over. I am sorry." He grabbed my hands and pulled me closer to him. I pushed his hands away in a nice way.

"It's ok really. Just do your best." He smiled at me sadly and it made my heart drop.

"I wish I met you before James. Then you would be mine." I looked at him for a moment and my face grew hot. He want me to be his friend? Just because me and James go out so not mean I can't have male friends.

"James will understand if I have male friends." I smiled at him to reassure that I will take a friend any day. I wanted to get that sad look off of his face.

"You don't understand at all." How he going to tell me I don't understand my man? I know him like the back of my hand.

"I forgot I got to go! Tell me how it went at work tomorrow!" I ran to the car and drove to my house to change clothes. I put the clothes I wore this morning in the washing machine. I put on black pants and a pink shirt. I ran over to James house. Thankfully his parents wasn't home. I went in the kitchen and started cooking for him.

"Mmhmm I found my self a man." I said with a southern accent. I had an apron on and laughing while practicing for the play we trying to get in.

"A man? Who is this man?" His said with his southern accent he put his news paper under his arm pit and stood over the sink and looked at me.

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