I Don't Need Friends

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I had my hair in a big crooked bun and I had my reading glasses on. I was reading Hate List by Jennifer Brown. I was reading it for My English class. I can't believe she wanted us to finish the book before our winter break is over. I haven't talk to James in forever. At least that what it felt like. He didn't even try to contact me. I been stalking him on Instagram and he having fun with his best friend Lisa. His Tweets was pissing me off too. He would tweet stuff like 'Hanging with the most beautiful girl in the world!! 😍!!' I had to get a new phone cause I threw my old one out the window. My mom wasn't to pleased. I was limping cause she pushed me down the stairs. After my father left the Apple store with the IPhone 5s the same one I had last time. With the same number and the very same information I had last time. I stopped looking on my phone and went to Netflix. No more Social networks! I put my phone in my desk and put Hate List in my book bag cause I finally finished it. We have a whole week and I finished all my work.

I went in the front room after a nice hot shower. I turned to Lifetime. There movies are so dramatic. This one movie where this crazy girl make her all of her boyfriends kill themselves for her because her father did mean stuff to her. One guy mom found out and saved her son just in time. I wanted to watch it because It had that guy that played Sebastian on Glee. He is a cutie. I had popcorn splattered everywhere on the floor from cheering the mom on. The part when the girlfriend was in the crazy house my mother walked in. She went to shocked to angry.

"As a wife I have to keep my husband house clean and you come up in here and made a big old mess." I stood up scared she was going to hit me again. Please let it be a slap. Her punches really hurts. I held my hand in a fist. I don't deserve to be hit! I always clean up behind myself. When she was about to hit me I blocked it. She was going to slap me! After I blocked it she punched me in the stomach. I fell on the soft carpet holding my stomach.

"I'm sorry..." I said loudly but not to loud that it would be consider 'back-talking'

"Yeah you are. Clean this mess before you father get home." Thankfully the movie ended before I cleaned up. I would watch the movie again if I knew the name of it. A pain in my stomach would come every time I moved. Thank God my period isn't on. If it was blood would be everywhere. I threw away the popcorn. When I passed by Gloria I fell to the floor. This woman just tripped me!! She is one childish person. I went up stairs with sadness. I wish James was a real friend. If he was... I would feel better. I could talk to him about how my mom is such a bad person.

I got on my bed and put in ThePreacher Wife with Danzel Washington and Whitney Houston. Whitney had a really beautiful body. Especially in that black dress she wore. How can a man hold back from that body in that dress. I think the husband might be gay. I am not even a guy. I heard my phone ring in the desk. When I saw the ID. I threw it on the desk. I don't want to talk to him. I heard a knock on the window. I'm on the second level how can anyone climb up here? I looked over and saw James at my window. I hid under the cover like he couldn't see me.

"Jamie please open the window..." I looked over and saw his sad expression threw the window. I went to the window and opened it. I moved so he could enter.

"What do you need?" I said closing the door so Gloria don't hear us.

"I haven't heard from you... I thought your mom did something to you." This bastard called me only once since the whole time I was here. He never texted me or nothing. How was I suppose to know you was concerned when you didn't really try to reach me?

"Well I am fine. So you can go to your little girlfriend now." I said looking away so I won't see his reaction. I am pissed off and if he was looking at me he would know. I wanted him to leave cause I don't feel like he cares as much as he try to act like he do.

"Girlfriend? Wait are you Jealous? Of Lisa?" I looked at him and did an unhumorous laugh. Well I can't say that I'm not. Mainly because I am but I won't tell him.

"Jealous? Me? Why would I be jealous?" I asked. I don't want to lie. Lying is bad for you.

"Well you sound like it!" He said standing up. I didn't even know he was sitting down. Did he get taller? Maybe I just haven't seen him in a while.

"How?!" I said raising my voice higher then his. Maybe I sound a little more like I was oblivious to the situation.

"Cause!" Like that word was enough to explain my emotion.

"Cause what?" I said moving the extra hair that was getting in my nerves because it was blocking my view.

"Cause you didn't call me or anything!! Then you get mad at me for hanging out with a friend! I really missed you." He reached for my hand and held it. How can he miss someone when he had so much fun with his little girlfriend. If she found out he was here she would be mad. I don't want to be like then girls who is easily fooled. I am not a fool... I am not a fool!

"No." I snatched my hand away from him gently. I am not no fool.

"No what?" He said looking at me confused. I don't even know why I said no but I know what I am thinking and it need to be said.

"I was really happy when you and me was getting along and stuff. I really like getting to know you. Then Lisa came and You and her got together. Y'all have a really good relationship. I realized that I don't want to feel like a third wheel. I don't need friends. They only disappoint you in the end." I said looking down at my floor. He needs to leave. He needs to leave right now. I don't want him to see me while I confess the thoughts that cross my mind. I don't like talking to people about my feeling but this seemed like the appropriate time to tell him how I felt at that moment. I never had anyone who would listen. I looked at him and he looked at me. Our eyes was on each other waiting for someone to speak. I don't want to hear what he have to say. He might say something that will make me regret saying my feelings. I already regret it but I don't want to regret it anymore then I do now.

"Jamie!! Why are you yelling!!!! When I get up there I will beat the living crap out of you." I heard her footsteps come up the stairs and I quickly panicked. I pushed James in the closet.

"Please do not come out. No matter what! ok?" I said hearing mom footsteps come closer.

"But-" I quickly cut his argument because I knew she will be in my room any minute.

"Please do not come out or I will get it even worse." I closed the door fast and looked at the door. I ran to the window and closed it. I got on the bed quietly. I played the movie so she would think I was yelling at the movie. She busted the door open and I got off the bed. I backed away as she got closer.

"Who was you yelling at?" She said calmly. Yeah it was going to bad this time. The calmer they are the worse it is.

"No one mama it was just the television." She started to look around and she looked at the television then at me. She went around the room then open the closet door. I held my breath and closed my eyes.


I am soooo sorry for the cliffhanger!! If you mad blame my sister! Any who The movie she watched on lifetime is called A Mother's Nightmare and it's really good. Comment what you want to happened!! Thank you all

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