Day 1

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After I packed I met with the father. He gave me the key to the house, a list of things he want to be done, a list of codes for the house, and a baseball bat. When dad drop me off that morning I kept thinking she can't be that bad. My bags was already in the house from yesterday. I heard some loud music. When I open the door I was slapped with a strong smell. It was horrible. Everyone was dancing to a some that said 'I'm in love with the coco' it either said 'the coco' or 'Hot coco' it was too loud to tell. I grabbed the baseball bat and squeezed tightly.

"GET OUT NOW!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs waving the bat around. I repeated myself 'Get out now' I couldn't hear myself but I know that I was saying it loud enough for people to start running out scared of my bat which hit some people by mistake. I finally got the house empty enough to lock it. I heard some more music coming from somewhere. 'I ain't got no type... naw bad-' I turned off the song before the boy could finished the rest of the lyrics.

"Who turned off the music?" said the blond girl on top of who ever that was she was on.

"What's wrong with you guys!? I can not believe you ju-" I saw Lisa and James. I hope my face don't show that a burst of emotion was bouncing around me.

"Jamie..." I bit my lip and held the sadness in.

"Get out..." I said lowly. I tried to get calmed by breathing slowly.

"Listen Jamie." He started to come towards me with the blanket covering part of his body.

"GET OUT!!!" I yelled at him. Don't let a tear fall from your face. Only the weak cry in a situation like this. When he had his pants on I started to wave my bat him getting him out the door without his shirt that I threw at him.

"I'm Sorry! I made a mistake. I understand if you if you mad at me." I felt him yell at the door. I bet he had a fun time playing with my freaking emotion.

"I'll tell Lisa you said that!" I yelled at him and walked away. I didn't want to hear his bullcrap any more.

"I love you Jamie." I wanted to open the door and forgive him. I wanted to open the door and hug him and kiss him. I kept a strong face and went to the room Lisa was in.

"Why are you in my house and acting like it's yours?" She asked with her arms crossed and her infamous hair flip she do all the time.

"I am the owner while he's gone. Everything I seen today was unacceptable. It is the last time you disrespect your dad house." I said stern and didn't show anything but how serious I am.

"Naw!! You is not coming in my house telling me what to do and what not to do." She said trying to act sassy or what ever but it was not working at all. I laughed at her childish looking action.

"I just did." I stepped up closer to her showing I'm taller and bigger. I know she is not a fighter. You can look at her and see she's fragile.

"You trying to pick a fight with me?" She said stepping back. She backed away like she was scared.

"No I just want you to know that I am the adult in this household now. You will abide by my rules or I will you lock you out the house." She looked confused. She looked shocked. She looked angry, powerless, weak, fragile. I liked it that way. She needs to know I'm the HNIC.

"My father won't approve of this!" She said quickly.

"You father the one wanted me to do this." I said picking a pair of socks that belong to Lisa.

"Oh..." She said looking down insecure.

"Clean up." I said waving her socks infront of her the dropping it on the floor. I walked out and sat on the couch in the front room. I don't need love. I don't need friends. I don't need nothing but oxygen. I can't believe such a beautiful house can be so neglected by teens. Don't they see the beauty in the old fashion homes. It was something you would see on the great Gatsby. I was exaggerating but it did take your breath away. It was filled with red solo cups, undergarment, and snack wrapper. I grabbed a garbage bag and a broomstick. I started to clean up.

"It looks pretty in here." I heard her say after I came back from taking out the trash.

"Everything looks better clean." She plopped down on the couch and she smiled. Of all the expressions I seen I have never seen that one. It was like she was a peaceful child. This must be one of the expression she made with Alex. The comfortable Lisa.

"I shouldn't get comfortable with other people..." She said hugging one of the pillows on the couch. I knew that she was beautiful. Why would she want a boy like James?

"Why?" I said sounding like a mom. I continued to clean and had momentarily stops because I had my mind on two things.

"Cause James need all of me. I can't waste my time with anybody else." She avoided eye contact with me. She just stared at the ceiling.

"You can do both. I don't think one male in your life control you." I said sitting in the recliner. I didn't want to look at her. She might be angry or what ever but I don't care.

"He needs me. You don't understand." Have you ever got so aggravated by what people saying without back up? Have you ever got so annoyed with people that don't listen to your advice?

"How come you believe that?" I said as calmly as I could. I was counting. I was breathing slowly. I was relaxing. I wasn't calming down.

"He told me so. We have been together for two years and-" That was enough. I can not take it any more. I tried to stay calm and listen to her first world problems but I can not.

"Ok Shut up! If he needed you he wouldn't be flirting with different girls! If he needed you he wouldn't tell me he loved me!" I covered my mouth and regretted what had came out. I smacked my lips like my aunt Janice would do if she said something stupid. I looked in her sadden eyes and was scared she was going to cry.

"He never told me he loves me..." I felt guilt raining all over me. My heart felt pity over this little girl. She is probably older then me but I feel like more of an adult. Her head hung low and her hands was covering her face.

"I'm sorr-" She stopped me in the middle of my sentence and stood up.

"I'm going to go to school today." She said running up stairs. Oh my gosh she is going to cry in the shower. I know that feeling all to well. I heard the shower turn on and she stayed in there for at least 20 minutes. When she came down she was in a white tank top with a cardigan and grey sweat pants. She slammed the door and I watched her cross the street and enter the side of the school. I unpacked in the guest room that was next to Lisa. The only thing that was separating us to was a sliding thin door that her shadows danced on. All day I just laid on the bed thinking. I also drunk some sprite. When Lisa came home she went in her room and slam her body on the bed. I could hear her loud cries. For the rest of the day she just cried. I just listened. Her cry wasn't annoying it was weird. I never heard a cry like hers before. It was a mixture of a baby kitten whimper and a cough. After her cries was over taken by snores I slept to.


I am so sorry y'all had to wait for this chapter. Soo what do y'all think of James now? Do y'all still like him? Do you still want him to be with Jamie? Do you think it was a bad idea to let her stay with Lisa? What do think should happen?

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