Behind Closed Doors

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Jamie P.O.V

I hear rapid knocks at my door and I opened the door. Instead of seeing my boyfriend I saw Dura, His little sister. She slammed the door and put her back against the it. She was breathing heavily. I didn't know what was happening. She looked at at me with her innocent grey blue eyes.

"What is happening?" I looked at her like she was crazy. If the people that don't know Dura do not like me. She tolerates me.

"I can't go home." She closed her eyes and moved her mouth like she was saying a silent prayer.

"Why you come here? I thought you didn't like me." When I said that her eyes looked at me angry.

"I don't like you! You are the reason my father is about to kill James!" She yelled at me and cried quietly. I got confused and shook my head.


"He come here because of you-" A knock on the door made Dura yelp. She shook her head no with tears falling down her face. She looked so scared. Even thought she didn't like me it felt like I had to protect her. I pointed to the kitchen and she ran into the kitchen. When I didn't see her anymore I opened the door.

"Hello Jamie. It's good to see you still fat." He laughed like it was funny and I looked at him like shut up.

"What do you want sir?" I asked irritated by his 'joke'. He better be glad I like to respect my elderly.

"I am looking for my daughter Dura." He crossed his arms and looked down on me. Even though I was shorter then him didn't mean he could stare at me like that. I really wanted to slam the door in his face.

"No." I said quickly. He punched the side of my house and scared the living lung out of me.

"Look. If you don't give me Dura, I will hurt you to." I looked at him like he was out of his mind.

"If you don't evacuate from my property I will call the police." I watched him give me the evil eye and I slammed the door in his face. I locked the door and looked for Dura. I saw her under the sink in the counter thingy.

"Dura I want you to go to my room go in the closet and behind my shoe wall there is a small door. Go inside and stay quiet. I am going to get James for you." I saw the tears on her face continually fall and I empathized Dura.

"Why are you helping me?" She had asked through her light sobs.

"Because I love you. Even though you are mean, I know you are smart and you try your best for everything. Plus I love James. He help me through so much. I want him to have something less to worry about." I looked down and decide to take my leave. I signal Dura to go upstairs so I could know she is safe when I leave. She ran upstairs and I went outside and locked the door. I didn't see James father but I know he wasn't home because his car wasn't there anymore. I ran across the street and saw James at the top of the stair with his Mather crying her heart out. I ran up and grab James even though he's heavy.

"What are you doing?!" She snapped at me. I tried to keep James up so he can get into my car.

"I am helping my boyfriend." I told her. I tried to go down the stairs as quick as possible. I finally got downstairs so I walked out. I looked around got make sure his dad wasn't in sight. My heart was pounding as I put him in my car.

"Jamie." He said as I enter the car.


"Dura. I need Dura to come. She need to be safe." He said through his moans. He sounded like he was in a lot of pain. I ran inside the house and retrieved Dura who was in a ball. She ran toward me and hugged me. I grabbed her hand and ran to the car. I put her in the backseat and started driving. When I got to the hospital Dura help me get him into a wheel chair. I can't stop shaking as I saw him knocked out.

"Dura we need to find a better place to put you and James." I told her in the waiting room. I thought of all the solution to this problem.

"I will just have to live on the streets." She nodded. She was actually serious. She thought I was going to let that happen.

"It's decided. Y'all are staying with me until your father learn that his method of discipline is wrong." I looked at her to make sure she knew I was serious.

"I c-can't."

"Yes you can. I saw the scars. You don't deserve it." I grabbed her small hands and squeezed It in a gentle manner.

"Thank you." She smiled at me.

"You welcome."



"If I tell you something do you promise not to tell anyone..." She started to rub her leg with the hem of her sweater's sleeve. She looked at me innocently.

"I promise." I slide closer and she flinched. She looked like she was really frightful.

"D-da-daddy likes t-to t-tou-touch me. H-he touches me here." She pointed her fingers at her chest.

"Oh my gosh. What else do he do to you?" I was shaking badly.

"He make me play this nasty game. He use my body. He uses his..." She bit her lip and cried.

"What?! What do he use?!" I said in a moment of panic.

"I am t-too y-young t-to be doing the stuff he make me do..." She stuttered. I wanted blood. Not just anybody blood I wanted Her fathers blood. I can't believe he did what he did.

"I have to kill him!" I yelled I started to walk out but Dura grabbed me before I could make it to the exit. She held on to my right on and I couldn't go on.

"Please don't. Mommy love him. She told me to suck it up and take it." She screamed out in agony. My tears flowed down as I heard her say it.

"My poor baby..." I whispered as I hugged her. She cried in my shoulder and I never felt so confused. I can't tell if I am sad or angry or depressed or whatever. I just know I need to find a way to protect Dura. Some way to avenge her virginity that was taken by the man that help make her become a human.


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