My daddy still got it

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Husband? Like in marriage? I looked at my dad who look down sadly. I thought of the story and how her dad was unfair. I knew he had hated Lovely. It's the only way it made sense to me. I grabbed the car keys from my father and made my way to the car. I had to wait two minutes for him to get in the passenger seat. I started to drive Lovely new house. Just as the Spanish maid had said there was a little tiny house hiding in between the million of trees that took 3/4 of their land.

"Jamie don't bring me here. She's a married woman. I can't mess with her." He said grabbing on to his seat belt. I parked right beside the red pick up truck.

"Dad you need something to say You will never regretted before you die. This is it." I felt the twinkle in my eyes encourage him a bit more then my mouth was. He rolled his eyes, slammed the door and knocked on the door loudly. I locked the car doors and joined him at the doorstep. I saw a curvy lady with long curly hair. She had a long diagonal line that starts from the tip of her nose to the bottom of her mouth. She had long bangs covering almost half her face. Her Brest was huge and she was covered with a suit close to what the nuns wear except it's without the head cover. Dad face went from 0 to 100 real quick.

"What happened to you?!" My father grabbed on to her face and traced the scar with his thumb. I just observed.

"Why are you here?" She said like she was half way to tears. Her eyes started to water and she started to shake.

"I'm sorry I even left you." He said holding onto her face. She then started with the tears.

"Daddy told me you hated me and wanted my sister..." She muttered so quietly I almost didn't hear, but my dad definitely heard it.

"That's not true. Not even close." I embraced her and let her cry in his arms. When she heard a creak she got nervous and pushed my daddy away. Thankfully I caught him.

"Ooh we got guest!" The man put his arm with the beer around Lovely. The man was a head shorter then my father and had less hair then my dad. Then the man had a very country accent even though he live in the city. I tried to move back because he wreck of alcohol.

"So this is the husband everybody talking about. eh." My dad had said between clutch teeth. I know dad was trying to remain calm but he looked more constipated.

"Oh babe you been talkin' bout me!" He said in her face. She moved and tried to cover her nose. She most also hate the smell.

"I-I um wanted to I-in-invi-invite t-them in." She stuttered more then she usually do and her voice was shaking more then her body. beware of her husband the lady said. He seems nice though.

"Sure come on in." He said welcoming us in. When we got in we couldn't help but observe the small area. There was beer cans everywhere and the furniture was cluttered together. You can tell that he was the one that decorated. We sat in the front room across from them. I felt a little uncomfortable with The man watching me. It wasn't creepy it was lustful. I didn't like it.

"The name is Chris." He stated with his eyes still on me. He held out his hand and my father grabbed it. He then it out toward me and I gave him a low five cause I didn't want to hold his hand longer then a second.

"My name is Mike and this is my daughter Jakayla." I looked at him like what's wrong with you? My name isn't Jakayla. It's Jamie. He gave me shut up stare and I just nodded.

"Mmm. Nice name." He said. He looked at me up and down again.

"Thanks." It's not even my real name I wanted to say.

"Imma be back." He said running upstairs. We sat in complete silence for ten minutes then we heard his snores. He did another loud snore and fart.

"Do he beat you?!" My father whisper yelled.

"It's none of your business!" She whisper yelled back at him.

"Yeah it is. Please let me take care of you. You deserve better then this!" After hearing this she looked near the stairs like she was looking for Chris.

"No." She nodded her head rapidly. Is it a yes or a no? After a wink I knew it was a yes. She looked back and forth.

"Ok fine." My father said winking back.

"Y'all should leave." She said walking us out. She slowly closed the door.


"Tomorrow at eight in the morning. He will be at work." She hugged my father and he he bent over hug him.

We left I knew my father was joyous. He was finally getting the girls of his dreams. He drove to a hotel that was only a few blocks away. After we settled into a room I get a call from a unknown number.

"Is this Jamie?" A deep voice started. I knew exactly who it was. I have been waiting for this call for the longest.

"Yes James." I said feeling a smile come upon my face.

"Jamie. I really love you."

"I love you to."

"If I ask you to wait would you wait for me?"

"Of course."

"It hard to say this but while I am gone I don't think we should be in a relationship." He sighed and I felt my heart drop. I should have never gave him that second chance. My tears silently went down my face as I tried to face reality.

"Ok fine. What are you trying to achieve by breaking it off me. Are you trying to find yourself or something." I said confused. I bit my lips so he don't know I was crying.

"That part you don't need to know. Just know I love you and don't give up on me." With that hug up. How could he do this to me. I work on our relationship just to get hurt. I need to promise myself that it was the last time that I will let him do this to me. I know that I will probably run back to him when I get the chance and I hate the fact that he have that type of control on me. I threw my phone at the wall and let it fall.

"I don't need him." I tried to convince myself. I think I did a great job because I whipped my tears and planned my life without him. My future didn't involved a husband or kids. The worst part was it didn't have James.

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