Second Day of School Part 2

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We had Theater. The teacher name was Mrs. Linda. James called her App when the students are gone. She telling us about a play she had planned for us to do for some winter concert. She gave us a script and told us to study it with a partner. It was the same chick from before, Kendra. The same thing happen but he had a different excuse. It was true it was a way to get away.

"I need to work with Jamie cause she live closer to me. My mom don't drive a lot and I don't like walking far." She looked at me, flipped her hair with her body looking flawless. I envy her but James treat her like she is painted blue or something.

"Why are you so mean to Kendra?" I said catching him off guard. He looked at like he could believe I said that. 

"Brahh she is so spoiled!! Do you hear her voice when she complain!! James please!" He said mocking her voice he rolled his eyes and crossed his arm like he was going to do something. I lean back I'm my seat and understood his reasoning. After The teacher gave us instructions she collected the syllabus. She also went over school rules and she also talked on respect.

The bell ring and we went to chorus. I was very nervous. Everyone had to sing in front of the class then announce theirselves. When Kendra went up there everyone clapped and went silent when she snapped.

"I'm Kelsey and y'all know this song." She began to sing Adele Set fire to the rain. She choose a song that was too strong for her voice. She was struggling on some parts. Even James agree when I told him. I clapped even though I didn't like it much. When I heard the teacher call my name I walk to the front and looked at everyone eyes on me.

"My name is Jamie... Hi..." Everyone said hi and clapped. I did a quick laugh and tried to think of a song.

"Can you sing an Adele song? I love Adele!" I heard James say. I nodded my head and close my eyes. I held on to my heart that was about to burst out. I sung Chasing Pavements by Adele. After I finished I covered my face and went to my seat. I sighed thanking God for making it end. I opened my eyes and saw everyone looking at me.

"Wow Jamie that was beautiful. For the first time there was a student that could handle an Adele song. Any song for that matter." After smiling at me she clapped her and called the next person. It was James he sung Wanted by Hunter. He had such a beautiful voice. He also got a round of applause by the teacher who usually stare at people like she staring into there souls. After everyone sung a sung she begun collected everyone syllabus. She stated some rules and gave our first project. Unlike the other classed we had groups of four. She did it based on the best two and the worst two.In the first group It was me, James, Candy, and Tracy. We plan to meet at my house. After I gave them my address the bell rung and we went to the last class.

Believe it or not but Kendra was in our class. All four of our classes. James didn't seem so please. We had a tall teacher. His name was Mr. Smith. He gave us a huge pack. It was like 20 pages front and back.

"This is Math two honors I will push you so hard you will regret being smart. you will have a group of four and you will not do the work in this class you will do it at home. I teach you in class." He was a hard teacher. He walked with his hand behind his back and spoke powerfully. How told all of use to stand up and line us up on the wall.

"I am scared of him." Said James.

"He remind me of my uncle Billie. He is basically like a turtle." I had a look of determination. I line up straight. He pick people to go left and to go right. Me and James was on the opposite side of each other. He counted us off. When he got to me he looked me up and down.

"What's your name." He was a bit to close to my face. I stayed in the same spot though unlike the others.

"Jamie." I said with an innocent smile.

"Well Jamie you are in group three I expect a lot from you. I heard good things. I like you like you are a daughter." He put his hand on my shoulder and sent me into class. I look for a table with the number three. It was me, Kendra or what ever her name is, James, and Becky. I can tell Becky and Kendra was friend. They was talking about shaving their private part and James was getting disgusting. I felt bad for him and me. After everyone got in a group Mr. Smith walked in and told us we had a ten minute discussion about who house to meet at and when.

"Me and Becky don't homework so I am sure you to can work it out. Thank you so much." James rolled his eyes and went to the teacher. I thought he was scared of the teacher but he stood and had a great conversation with him. James came back and came back to the table with his arms crossed.

"Thanks for the advice." I was confused on what advice I gave him but it's what ever.

"Umm... you welcome." He gave me a high five and gave me a thumbs up. Mr. Smith quickly got our attention by slamming the books down.

"Listen. You will work in partners. Choose quickly you got one minute starting now." Kendra ran around the table and grabbed James arms. He already had his arm around mine. She pushed him towards her and he snatched his arm back and grabbed me. She was red with anger and screamed in frustration. She begun working with Becky and kept looking at me. I don't think she like me at all. After the bell ring me and James walk home together. 


Next chapter is Homework SMH.

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