Bloody Lies

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I laid down on my bed clenching my stomach. Maybe I got food poisoning. Poisoned Mac and cheese from school. I have been throwing up ever since I ate at school. I was so determined to get to school but my dad is even more determined to lock me in. He won the battle because the first locked door killed me so I slipped back to bed and tried to fall asleep. All I could do was think about was James. He have been acting weird lately and I can't ignore it. It just end up knocking in my head telling me to think about it. I admit defeat by thinking of the worst case scenario. What if he forcing his self to be with me because everybody wanted us together. Even dad miss him. I remember I ask him why he was so mean to Liam. I felt bad when I heard his reason.

"James. I really liked him. He told me all these things I have wanted to hear from your future husband. I just don't trust a guys word after he hurt you." I tried to think of every excuse to make him know that it wasn't James fault. I couldn't think of anything though. I just sat down and hug him and tried to comfort him. A ring from my phone entered my ear and I answered it without checking the caller ID.

"It was a bad idea to miss school." The person on the phone warned. I checked to see who it was and it was a private number.

"Who is this?" I said tired of there nonsense. I heard the person laugh and it sent chills down my spine.

"Your worst mistake." The person laugh ended when she hung up. I knew it was a female voice but I couldn't identify who it was. Maybe it was just a prank call. But a strange wouldn't know of my absence from school. Do that mean I have a stalker? I am not ready for a stalker yet though. I called James and he picked up after the second ring.

"Hi." He said in a whisper. He was probably in class.

"Hi I just had the craziest conversation."

"Oh really." He said even quieter then before. He must be really paranoid about getting his phone taken.

"Yeah. It made me a bit scared." I said cuddling my covers. I felt a bit warmer with that gesture.

"Want me to come warm you up?" He said as low as the second time. I can imagine him hiding his phone with his arms and hand. I can see his smile creeping up as he hid.

"You have to stay in school and learn." I said laughing at his silliness and he sighed louder then I thought he could with the teacher he have.

"Oh yeah school." He said like he was trying to convince hisself that he was in school.

"Why you acting weird hon'?" I said hugging my favorite bear my dad won for me at the state fair last summer. I could feel the heat from the summer radiating from the bear.

"I am not."

"Baby." I heard from the back ground. The girl laughed and I got annoyed.

"Who is that?" I tried to say calmly in between my clinched teeth.

"Um... A girl from class. She is talking to her boyfriend." In a way it make sense but at the same time I doubt that was some random girl talking to her random friends.

"James tell your friend to call you later I want you now." Oh no this hoe did not. I couldn't get to mad because I have to save some energy to think.

"Oh it seem like the girl boyfriend has the same name as you." I said a bit bitter.

"It's not what you think." Was the stupidest line he had ever said to me. He don't know what I am thinking. I was thinking about how the dress was Black and blue.

"How many times do you intend to hurt me?" The question sneaked out of my mouth without my permission. I hate when it did that. It creates bad situation.

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