Chapter 62 - Girlfriend

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It is around 5pm when Josh arrives to pick me up. I was right. He doesn't mind at all taking Justin. I actually think he enjoys his company. They bond over music, and sports. Swimming, mainly. As Josh brings up the USA National Swim team, and what a great athlete Max Paisley is, he shoots me a sly smile and winks. This topic of conversation lasts a really long time. Josh seems so enthralled in hearing all about Max, who I am pretty sure he had never thought twice about before I mentioned that I had dreamt of him.

I am pretty certain that Josh had two motives for bringing Max Paisley up. The first being that he actually thinks that I like him, (why else would I be dreaming of the attractive swim god?), and the second being that he wants to get on Justin's good side. Whatever the exact reason, the topic of Max Paisley lasts way too long for my liking. I don't need to know that he likes his tomatoes roughly chopped, not diced, on his egg-white only omelette.

I am relieved when Josh finally pulls up into a small gravel parking lot. I have endured too much talk of swimming, football, and fishing for any sane girl. We get out of the Jeep and walk across the sandy beach to where a group of people are crowded around a large fire.

As we make our way to Josh's friends, I take in the sights before me. Gulfstone Beach is massive. The beach borders a road and lacks any trees or vegetation. Large reddish boulders fleck the copper colored sand that seems to go on forever in every direction. A huge cliff to the left of the fire pit can be seen in the distance.

The water dances with shades of crimson and orange, as the sun sets beyond the horizon. Loud rock music plays from a stereo. Several fold-up beach chairs are scattered around the fire. The chairs are filled with bikini- clad girls and bare-chested boys. I feel slightly overdressed, even though I don't think that my simple white dress is fancy at all. It just is very different from what everyone else is wearing.

The other girls give off a very bohemian vibe with their frayed jean shorts, loose tanks and messy beach hair. I am slightly relieved when I spot two females in sundresses that look just as out of place as I do.

I take off my sandals as we approach the fire and throw them into my bag. As cute as they are, bright red wedged sandals adorned with large flowers just don't seem appropriate for the seemingly more laid back crowd. A cool ocean breeze fills the air with the aroma of burning marshmallows and sizzling hot dogs, as it stirs my senses with a chill.

I quickly put my denim jacket on, and am glad that I had thought to bring it. I wasn't even thinking about the chilly sea breeze, the jacket at the time was merely a fashion accessory. It completed my ensemble and matched the sandals perfectly. I had been wearing the jacket when I left the villa but by the time I had made it up the ten steps to the carport, where Josh was parked, I was too hot, even in the name of fashion, to continue wearing it.

Josh reaches for my hand effortlessly, causing me to smile. As we walk hand in hand, I feel the eyes of the sea of strangers penetrating through my skin. Justin walks on my other side. He seems relaxed and doesn't seem phased in the slightest by all of the attention. He's a pretty social guy and thrives at parties and in social gatherings.

I notice that some of the girls smile at Josh as we pass them. I get the impression that they, like Amber, must have a crush on him. It isn't hard to see why. He is the most attractive boy there, in my opinion, at least.

Josh seems to know almost everyone. All of the guys are shouting his name and saying hi. He introduces me to most of his friends, including the girls in barely there ensembles. I can't even begin to remember all of their names. There is a Kendall, Mary, and Jasmine, Ryan, Brian, and David. And about a dozen other names that belonged to people whose faces seemed to just blur together.

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