Chapter 14 - Dinner Guest

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The ice cold water that Josh has given me is halfway gone within the first few gulps I take. I hadn't realized I was so parched. I finish the bottle off and throw it in a nearby trash can just as I spot a maroon Jeep Wrangler approaching me. I recognize the driver right away. The red bandana is a dead giveaway.

Josh stops the Jeep next to me on the paved road and begins to get out. I don't know what he is doing. I just want to sit, so I hop up toward the passenger door and fling it open.

"Here, let me help you up," Josh says. I feel his hands wrap around my waist as he helps me climb up into the Jeep and then close the door behind me. The sweet gesture makes me smile. I quickly remember that he has a girlfriend. Why does he have to be so kind? Why does he have to have to be unavailable?

I hear another door shut and see Josh sitting next to me. He shoots me a smile, but I don't return the sentiment. I just want to be dropped off so that I can soon forget this day ever happened. We buckle our seat belts in unison. He puts the key in the ignition and the engine roars.

It is a short ride up to the villa, but it seems to take forever. Josh never tries to fill the empty air with mindless chit chat which I am grateful for. I am not in the mood to talk to anyone, let alone him.

When we reach a stop sign, he searches for a CD in the glove compartment and pops it in the stereo, turning the volume up and allowing the Jeep to be filled with the loud music. It is upbeat and energetic, yet so melodic. There are no vocals. It is pure instrumental which makes it seem so pure and raw. I have never heard music like this before and I surprisingly really like it. I smile to myself. I can't help it. The music really is uplifting. I turn to look at him and he is smiling too. He is obviously pleased that I like the music, his music. I look away and roll my eyes.

Josh pulls into my grandparents covered carport without me having to tell him where to turn or which house is there. Clearly he's been to their house a lot. I wonder how many times?

I open my door, but he is already there to help me down. I let him act the part of the chivalrous knight. I figure there is no harm in letting him have his fun, because after I close the gate and walk down the steps to the villa I'll never see him again. At least I'll try not to see him again. I'm well aware that it's a small island, and that he does live on a boat located in the bay right outside of my bedroom! But despite all of this, I will do my best to avoid Josh Davenport at all costs.

On the short car ride I had decided that avoidance would be my game plan for the summer. And in avoiding Josh, I would forget about him (and his beautiful girlfriend).

He lets go of my waist as my feet touch the hard ground. "Thanks for the ride," I mumble as I hobble over to the wooden gate and open it.

Once inside the walls of the property, I turn to close the gate behind me but can't. Josh is standing in my way. "What are you doing?" I ask, annoyance clear in my voice.

"Coming with you," he says in a tone like it is the most obvious thing.

"Why?" I demand. "Your grandparents invited me to have dinner with you and your family," he says matter of factly. He looks at his phone. "I know I'm a little early, but I figure I'm already here. They won't mind. And plus I can help you down the steps."

"I don't need any help" I mutter, as I try to grasp what he has just told me... that he is staying for dinner! This horrible day is never going to end.

I begin to hop down the steps and trip slightly. He chuckles as his toned arms wrap around my waist. I grimace and push his hands away from my body.

I bend over and take my wedged sandals off and continue the rest of the way down the steps barefoot, proving to Josh that I do not need his help.

I didn't see my grandparents SUV parked out front, so I know everyone is still in town, and that it more than likely will be awhile until we eat, which means Josh will be here much longer than I previously thought. I try to walk ahead of him so that he doesn't think that I am going to entertain him until dinner, but he keeps my pace and never leaves my side.

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