Chapter 28 - Skipping Heartbeats

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We spend the rest of the afternoon walking aimlessly around Rumba while getting to know each other. The sun is now much higher in the sky and hotter than ever before. I am enjoying myself so much that I don't even notice that I have begun to sweat profusely on my forehead.

"Come here," Josh says, stopping on the sidewalk in front of me. He reaches around to his back and pulls the red bandana from his pocket and begins to slowly dry my face with it. I should be embarrassed, that I'm covered in perspiration, but the way he is acting, gently wiping away the sweat beads that are dripping down my cheeks and forehead is so sweet. He looks into my eyes and I stare back at him

In this moment, as we stand on the street, with cars and tourists bustling by, it is just him and I. My eyes trail down from his, and stop at his mouth. I wonder what his lips would feel like, taste like. As soon as the thought enters my head, I begin to blush. Why would I think that? I've never thought that about someone before. I instantly look away.

I am both happy and relieved that it is so hot out and that I'm already flushed, otherwise Josh surely would notice my sudden red cheeks.

"Thanks," I awkwardly say. He stares at me for a moment and then at the bandana. He folds the red fabric in half a few times and then begins to tie it around my head.

"What are you doing? I'm going to look like a dork!" I exclaim. When he is done tying the knot behind my head, he looks up at me.

"I now see why you're attracted to this. You look incredible," he gushes.

I have no idea what I look like, but I don't think incredible would be the word to describe me at this very moment.

We start walking again along the sidewalk. We only have one tiny street to go down and then we will have covered the entire town.

"Hey, do you want to go in here?" Josh says, indicating a tiny surf shop. "You know I don't surf, right? I don't go in the water, remember?" I ask jokingly. "Yes, I know you don't but I do. Plus, this is where my friend Travis works," he says.

"Oh in that case, lead the way," I state. "You sure you won't get sick or anything being around so many water products?" he asks. I am not sure if he is serious or joking. "I'll be fine," I assure him.

As soon as Josh opens the door, loud upbeat alternative music engulfs us. I take a step inside and survey the store. The walls are plastered with posters of famous surfers, beach scapes and large waves. The few inches of free wall space that are exposed are painted a bright sky blue color.

Wetsuits, girl's bikinis, and boy's swim trunks fill the racks that are scattered throughout the shop. A massive wall of surfboards takes up the whole right side of the store. Long grass curtains provide privacy for the dressing rooms in the back of the shop. Next to the changing rooms, a collection of flip flops and sandals hang from pegs on the wall. An assortment of beach bags are scattered along a thick wooden table. A long glass counter housing jewelry made of puka shells and various waterproof watches is near the front door. On top of the counter is a cash register but no worker. The shop was actually completely empty.

"Are you okay? Or are the posters too much for you?" Josh asks in my ear. "I surprisingly feel fine, if you can believe that," I answer. "I do believe that. Look who you're with. Maybe it's me," he chuckles. "Maybe you feel safe in my presence."

"Maybe," I reply. The more I think about what he said, the more it makes sense. I do feel safe here with Josh, because I know he wouldn't let anything happen to me, especially now that he knows my little secret. I feel Josh's fingers intertwine with mine.

"It's a nice thought, nonetheless," he says.

Just then a young blonde haired guy appears from somewhere in the back. He is slightly shorter than Josh, but still tall and very tan. He has short hair and blue eyes. He seems muscular, but I suppose most boys who surf are.

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