Chapter 56 - Shrimp, Brothers, and Big Busted Beauties

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"So, I guess to start we should make a list of everything we'll need and have to do before we leave. And in the meantime, we can work on getting you ready for the boat ride over to the Isle. Maybe a trip to visit my casa is in order?" Josh states as we sit causally on a rock at the lookout on Waterberry hill.

"Way out there?" I point to the ship he lives on with his dad, located in the center of the bay. It seems so far from shore. The water must be at least 20-30 feet where the massive wooden ship is anchored.

"Yes. Don't worry, it's not that far, trust me," he laughs.

"Easy for you to say," I quip.

"Mila, you know we don't have to do this. We don't have to go to Mennakenna," he says tenderly.

"No, Josh, you're wrong. I do have to do this. You're the one that doesn't have to, but I can't proceed without you. I need you to do this with me," I explain.

"I told you, I'd do anything you asked and I meant that. I was just saying if you don't want to travel that little distance to my home, then how are you going to make it out in the open ocean?"

I don't like the sound of his choice of words, open ocean. It sounds too scary to be used to describe the route to the magical island. But then again, maybe they were the perfect words to describe it.

"I think that if we take it slowly I'll be fine," I reply.

"I know you will be. Look at all that you have accomplished so far. I just want to make sure you're comfortable. I suppose we can start smaller, and work up to a visit to my place. Does that sound good to you?"

"Yes, I like that," I reply.

The idea of going out in a tiny boat to the ship that Josh calls home is too much for me at the moment. I am still getting used to the idea of going out in a boat to Menna.

"What do you have in mind?" I ask curiously.

"You'll see," he says, as he nudges my shoulder and gives me a wink. The gesture makes me smile.

A moment later Josh gets up and extends his hand out to help me off of the rock. We begin the descent down the hill and back to the resort when I begin to chuckle to myself.

"What's so funny?" Josh asks.

"Oh, I was just thinking how funny this situation is," I reply.

"And what situation is that?"

"The one where I believe in fairy-tales and you don't," I answer with a laugh.

"I do believe in fairy-tales, just not this particular tale," he states.

"We'll see about that," I answer matter-of-factly.

"What do you mean?"

"I have a feeling I'm going to make a believer out of you," I say with a smile.

Josh stops suddenly and turns to face me. Our faces are only inches apart. "You already have, in more ways than you're aware of," he says, as he stares into my eyes.

We walk the rest of the way hand in hand, in silence. I have never been more aware of my surroundings and the world around me. I feel like for the first time in my life I am actually experiencing life. I feel so alive and I want to savor every sensation.

When we make it to the beach I hear a familiar male voice. I look around to see where it is coming from. I turn to my right and gaze out at the water. I look in the sea for my family, but I don't see Gram, Abbo, or Matty. However, what I do see makes me stop dead in my tracks.

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