Chapter 44 - The Beginning

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Gram and I sit at the kitchen table drinking some juice while Matty and Abbo plop themselves on the white couch. Abbo is intently watching the weather channel, tracking the tropical storm that is approaching. I can my little brother groan with frustration over Gramp's choice of television programming. He would rather watch something with dinosaurs or dragons. Basically anything but the current offering.

Less than five minutes after we have sat down, the telephone rings. Gram picks it up and begins chatting at length. I can tell by her tone that it isn't my mom or one of my aunts. Gram is way too cheery. I figure it must be Peggy or maybe even Lallie.

I finish my pineapple juice and place the glass into the sink. I kiss Abbo on the head as I say goodnight and then head toward the door. Before I even make it outside, Gram calls me back in.

"Mila, the phone is for you."

I panic instantly. Who would be calling me? It can't be Adam-Miguel. He didn't have this number, or did he? I slowly walk over to Gram and she bids the person on the other end a goodnight before handing me the phone.

"Hello." My words come out in a nervous rush.

"Hi, Mila," a familiar voice says. My heart begins to dance with excitement.

"Josh!" I notice my grandmother smirk.

"Did you have a nice evening?" he asks.

"It could have been better," I state.

I am aware of the watchful eyes, and eavesdropping ears of my grandparents so I, and the cordless phone, retreat to the privacy of my bedroom. I can see the look of disappointment on my grandmother's face as I walk out of the living room. She likes being in the middle and knowing what's going on, which is the last thing I want.

"How so?" he inquires.

"Well..." I pause as I open my bedroom door and turn on the light. "I would've liked to have seen you tonight."

I am both shocked and pleasantly surprised at my honesty. I wasn't even provoked by Josh. The truth of my feelings just spilled freely out of my mouth.

"Look out your window," he says.

I walk to the French doors and pull the curtains aside. I look out onto the black waters of the bay. It is a clear night. The reflection of the shining stars is reflected beautifully in the ocean. They seem to sparkle as they illuminate all of the tiny boats that would otherwise go unnoticed by my eyes.

"What do you see?" he asks casually.

"I see the stars, the tiki torches of the hotel in the distance, the different boats."

A bright flash catches my attention. I focus my attention on the light source, trying to determine what is causing it.

"Now what do you see?" he asks.

I concentrate my focus on the light and determine it's a lantern. It looks to be coming from the large ship in the back of the bay, the exact position of where La Isla Nina is docks, near the mouth of the crescent shaped bay. I see a small figure sitting against the massive mast. I know instantly who it is. My heart begins to dance again. It's Josh.

"I see you!" I say excitedly.

"You look nice tonight."

I look down at my white gauze dress. "Thank you," I reply.

"I hope you didn't dress up for me," he chuckles.

Memories of the evening spent with the Hernandez family and Adam-Miguel leading me to the dance floor fill my mind. His constant whispering and attempt at kissing me are moments from the night I'd like to forget. "No, we went out to dinner," I say.

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