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-Warning: Smut In This Chapter-

"Love?" Brynn called, walking into the kitchen of their hotel room with her phone in her hand

"Yeah baby?" Joe replied, snapping the lid onto the juicer and fumbling with a cord

"Stupid thing," Joe mumbled, trying to get the tangle out of said cord and ultimately was struggling

"I was thinking after Mania that we take a week off and go somewhere," Brynn mentioned and Joe hummed, frowning at the cord

"Where did you have in mind?" He asked, glancing at her

"You can pick, I just think we both deserve a well deserved little break," she said with a smile and he nodded

"Sounds good baby, god the watermelon's cringing," Joe said, looking into the machine and Brynn bit back a laugh

"It's what?" She asked amused

"You know like when it gets that slimy thing on the red piece when you leave it out for a while?" He asked frowning at the watermelon

"It's squinging babes, not cringing," she said with a laugh as he shrugged

"Why'd you leave it out for that long anyway?" She then asked

"Cuz the stupid cord refuses to untangle," he replied in frustration, gesturing to the aforementioned cord and Brynn tilted her head

"Why do you need the coffee maker now, if you're making juice?" She asked in confusion and Joe froze

"What?" He asked blankly

"The cord that won't untangle is for the coffee maker babes," she said and Joe looked from her to the coffee maker and then he looked at the juicer and pressed the on button, it immediately whirred to life and he slapped his forehead

"Why must I always struggle?" He asked lowly and Brynn threw her head back laughing

"Oh that's funny?" He asked, prowling over to her and she immediately stopped laughing and backed away

"Joe don't." She ordered and Joe smirked

"I swear to god Joseph do not touch me," she said and he moved closer and she squealed and ran away and Joe quickly ran after her, their laughs echoing through the walls as Joe snatched her around her waist and lifted her off the ground, she heard Joe's laughs and her own giggles as Joe threw her on the couch and began tickling her, lightly straddling her waist

"No Joe, oh my gosh!" Brynn squealed, squirming with her hands on his shoulders as he smiled fondly down at her

He stopped when she began squirming and her face began getting pink, then he leaned down and softly kissed her

"You're so wonderful," he said quietly, eyes scanning over her face and her cheeks darkened the already pink colour as she blushed

She raised his hands up and caressed his cheeks, looking lovingly back at him

They heard a pop and then splatters and Brynn watched as Joe's eyes widened and his mouth opened slightly and she knew exactly what happened

"You left the juicer on didn't you?" She asked amused and Joe looked down at her sheepishly

"I'll clean it." He promised and she laughed and shook her head

Joe quickly got up and walked into the kitchen, his jaw fully dropping as he took in the scene, he looked as Brynn came into the kitchen with a mop and the bucket and her jaw dropped

"It looks like a watermelon bomb went off in here." She commented

"Oh my god it's on the ceiling!" Joe yelled, pointing and watched as Brynn threw her head back laughing, and he dissolved into laughter as well, this whole thing was ridiculous.

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