Will It Make You Happy?

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Chew. Chew. Swallow. Chew. Chew. Swallow. That was all that was going through Brynn's mind as she ate breakfast, she was too tired to think, after Joe and her had gone to bed, she woke back up and started looking over wedding brochures and she didn't get to bed till around 3 this morning, it was 7 now and Joe was in bed still and her dad who had been spending a few days with his daughter and son-in-law, was in the shower.

"Morning," she heard and a kiss was pressed to her head and she smiled up at her dad

"Good morning," she said and got up and got him some breakfast before she sat back down and continued eating

"So I was thinking-" her dad said putting some black pepper on his eggs and Brynn looked up and furrowed her eyebrows as she waited for him to finish the thought

"Are you gonna invite Jule to your wedding?" He asked and Brynn looked at his expression and then sighed and picked up her spoon

"I mean- would I like to have her there? Yeah sure, but I won't have her come to the wedding and make Joe upset, I won't tolerate that." Brynn said adamantly and Patrick sighed

"It just seems kinda unfair to not invite her-"

"Yeah but this wedding isn't about anyone else. It's about Joe and I, mom doesn't approve of Joe and I being together, let alone of us getting married, Joe's so sensitive to, so I know if she in some way disappoints you and Joe, it's gonna bother him," Brynn explained

"Won't it bother you?" Her dad asked and Brynn smiled bitterly

"I've gotten accustomed to her disappointing me dad," she replied and Patrick looked crushed but Brynn smiled and shook her head, standing with the bowl

"I should go wake up my love and get something into his stomach, give me a few minutes dad," she said and walked up the stairs and opened the door and saw Joe had already put clothes on and freshened up

"I should go wake up my love and get something into his stomach, give me a few minutes dad," she said and walked up the stairs and opened the door and saw Joe had already put clothes on and freshened up

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"Love?" She asked tentatively when she saw the look on his face

"You should invite her." He said and Brynn groaned

"You can't be serious." Brynn replied because fuck no.

"Babe," Joe said and Brynn shook her head and leaned against the vanity

"Joe- why would I even entertain the thought of inviting her to our wedding?" She asked Joe

"It's your mom babe," Joe said softly and Brynn looked at him closely

"This isn't about me is it?" She asked and Joe looked at his bare feet and Brynn pulled a stool infront of him and sat down, looking intently at his bashful face and then after a minute of no response, she sighed and took his hand in her two hands and pressed a kiss to the back of it

"Would it make you happy if I invited her?" She asked and Joe bit his lip and nodded and Brynn sighed, she could never tell Joe no

"It's just that- I won't feel good knowing my mom gets to share the experience with me and Julia won't get to share the moment with you," he explained and Brynn laughed bitterly

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