Moments Like These

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Brynn and Joe had just eaten breakfast while watching Love&Marriage and now Joe was lying on his back on the bed, Brynn was on his chest, turned to face him, his fingers were splayed on her lower back, her finger was rubbing his lips, knowing how much he loved it when she did that

Brynn was admiring him, he was so relaxed right now, his eyes were closed

Brynn started listing everything she loved about him, she loved his long hair, it was so soft and silky and always smelt amazing, his eyebrows that perfectly framed his eyes, his brown eyes easily showed the love he had and showed the excitement or sadness he felt, his grey eyes were sinful. Brynn could go from 0 to 100 real quick when she looked into those grey eyes and she always believed that the grey eyes better suited him, but she loved him either way

His nose, straight and just perfect, she loved to rub her nose against his, ultimate show of affection. His lips, oh god, his lips were so full and pink, she could kiss them every minute, she also really loved to take his bottom lip in her mouth and nibble on it or just suck it, knowing what it did to him. She could write a book about his smile. His smile was definitely her favourite thing about him. When it would be so wide that his teeth would show and he'd get those cute little crinkles by his eyes, call her selfish but she loved to be the reason for his smile, she swore he was actual sunshine when he smiled, the goatee that neatly framed his mouth, or the beard that grew when he didn't shave, either way she liked the way it scraped her thighs, and tickled her neck

She loved his strong neck, loving to wrap her arms around it, and cuddle into the crook. She loved his broad shoulders and his biceps, oh god, she absolutely drooled over his biceps, they were so big and muscular, and she adored the tribal tattoo that decorated the right arm, and she loved the way it was imprinted on his arm and pectoral, it just added to the sexy badassness he possessed, she loved how big and strong his hands were and she loved to hold them and play with his fingers, she loved when he would wrap his arms around her and how protected she would feel, she loved his chest, how strong it was and she loved to lay on it and trace patterns on it, she loved his stomach even though he didn't. It wasn't soft but had the right amount of muscle for him to have abs, and still be comfortable for her to lie on. She loved to wrap her arms around his waist and his hips, she also loved what lay just under his belt, oh hell yeah, he definitely satisfied her, big and thick to, he was perfect in that department

She loved his muscular thighs, they were so thick and strong, and she found her place there, sitting on his lap or lying down on them, she loved his legs in general, toned from years of playing football and then years of wrestling. She loved his feet, that she'd rub when he wore his wrestling boots to run. That was everything physical she loved about him, she thought he was the most beautiful man she ever laid eyes on, built like a god.

She loved his mind, how he'd have to think everything through more than once before he did things. She loved the way you could see his thoughts whiz past his face. She loved how his eyes would cloud showing that he was sad or confused, she loved how much he cared for her and loved her and how much he wanted to be with her forever, she absolutely loved that. She loved his heart and how pure he was. He was always open to people and believed in second chances, she loved how he was so sweet with the fans and how he was the most amazing father to Joelle and how much he loved her. She loved Joe immensely

"I love you," she voiced, eyes scanning over how his eyelashes were resting gently against his high cheekbones

"I love you to," he replied and leaned down as they kissed, Brynn couldn't help but think, it was moments like these that made her fall in love all over again

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