Jon's Fault

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Brynn and Joe were now back in Florida, but they were packing up their home into boxes and moving into a bigger home and Jon and Colby were there helping

Brynn was in their bedroom packing all of their clothes into the suitcases while Joe was packing up their stuff from the attic, Jon was in the bathrooms, and Colby was cleaning out the kitchen

She zipped another suitcase and walked out of the room, heading into the kitchen, she smiled when she saw Colby cutting a slice of chocolate cake she had made

"How's the packing coming?" Colby asked and she turned her head and watched the two boxes Colby made 'Utensils' and the other one was 'Beer'

"Did you see my case of Goliath? I saw it at the store and remembered you said it was the one that you liked," she said, scratching under her nose while she got the pot on the stove

"I saw it, thanks, I had like 5," Colby said, putting some cake in his mouth

"Oh, that's what gave you the courage to eat my cake," she teased, ruffling his hair and then she smiled warmly, swiping some frosting from the slice on Colby's plate

"Jon! Joe! Take a break!" Brynn called loudly as she went to wash the tomatoes

She heard two set of feet coming down the stairs and she smiled, leaning up when Joe came around the counter to peck her lips before grabbing a beer for himself and Jon

"I could've sworn we bought that case full, when we came back home," Joe commented, handing Jon the beer

"Stone Cold ex Two Tones over there drank five and cut my cake," Brynn said with a fond smile as she started boiling the spaghetti

"Hey, it's good beer," Colby said with a shrug

"Shoot," Brynn said frowning

"What's wrong?" Joe asked looking at where his girl was

"I'm out of cilantro, the cilantro pesto isn't pesto without the cilantro," she complained

"Jon and I can go to the store," Colby offered, narrowing his eyes at the other man

"I don't-" Jon began, fidgeting

"I can't drive while I'm intoxicated and Joe has cobwebs in his hair, so let's go Jon," Colby said, leaving no room for argument as he took up his keys and grabbed the other man's elbow, dragging him out of the house while he protested along the way

Brynn chuckled and leaned over to pluck the spiderless (thank god) cobwebs from Joe's hair and smiled at him, while she continued cutting the tomatoes for her marinara

"Are they okay?" She asked, glancing up at Joe who was mid-bite in an apple

"I dunno, they seem kinda tense around each other, but I'm sure it's nothing," he waved off, and bit his lip, he knew exactly why Seth was so wound up with Dean, but it wasn't his place to say anything so he wouldn't. He hated lying to Brynn though

"So hey, I got a few friends that I need to deliver invitations to, Jon's coming with me cuz this dude was one of our best friends in the indies, you'll come with us yeah?" She asked, dashing some salt into the pan to give the spaghetti some flavour

"Uh yeah sure I'll come," Joe said nodding

"So there's something I need to tell you," she told him and he looked up at her

"It's about JOJO," she said and watched as his face fell

"What is it? What happened to JOJO?"

"No babe- nothing happened, it's actually really good, just listen okay?" Brynn said and Joe took a deep breath and nodded, they both jumped when their front door crashed open

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