You Can't Help The Way You Feel

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Brynn was with JOJO last night and JOJO asked her a question that fucked with her mind and Jon was doing media with Joe so she was alone

She dialled a number and put the phone to her ear

"Hello?" She heard a groggy voice answer

"Colby Daniel Lopez you are not now getting up!" She said smiling fondly

"Was a long night B, what's up?" He asked, ending in a yawn

"Was wondering if you'd want to grab some lunch today?" She asked and Colby hummed lightly

"Sure. I'll meet you at our place for 12?" He asked and Brynn smiled

"Okay, thanks Co." She said and he replied and they hung up

It was 11:30 when she got ready

She sighed as she locked the door and walked down to her and Colby's favourite diner a few blocks down from where she was and she pushed open the door, already seeing Colby sitting down, sipping what looked like coffee and she smiled

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She sighed as she locked the door and walked down to her and Colby's favourite diner a few blocks down from where she was and she pushed open the door, already seeing Colby sitting down, sipping what looked like coffee and she smiled. Trust Colby to want coffee in the middle of the day.

Colby grinned when he saw her come in and she walked over to him, he stood up and smiled as he gave her a hug, she closed her eyes and inhaled his scent, pine trees and coffee. Colby was always a source of comfort when she felt like she didn't know what to do anymore

"Hey babe," Colby said, kissing her forehead

"Hey Co," she replied and they sat down, she took up the smoothie the waitress just put down for her

"So what's up?" He asked, picking up the coffee cup and taking a sip

"Not much," she replied and Colby gave her a look

"I've known you a long while B, you can't keep things from me, now, what's going on?" He asked her and she sighed

"So yesterday, Joe had gone to the store so it was just me and JOJO, so I was braiding her hair and all of a sudden she turns to me and says 'do you think my dad is happy?' and I froze. I legit froze and I asked her why she asked, and she said lately he doesn't look happy," she said watching as Colby's facial expression changed as she spoke

"Okay, but what does she mean not happy?" Colby asked, folding his arms on the table

"That's what I'm wondering," she said smiling to the waitress as she brought their meals, Colby having a pepperoni pizza and fries and Brynn having a burger and fries

"Made me wonder if he's happy with me or not," Brynn said with a sigh as she picked up a chilli fry from Colby's plate and he picked up nacho fries from hers

"I'm sure he is, but if you're really wondering, then you should ask him, won't do you no harm, Joe's a honest guy, he won't lie to you. He's happy with you I'm sure. Something must just be bothering him right now." Colby said, having always been the voice of reason

"I mean, I know he gets insecure about the marriage and kids stuff and I just wish I didn't feel like that, it ruins everything," she said and Colby chewed and swallowed, then shook his head

"You can't help the way you feel," he said

"Joe knows your reasons, and I know he respects them. When the time is right, you'll be ready." He told her smiling

"You're the best Colby." She told him and he grinned

"Yeah, yeah, I know." He replied

"So how's Sarah?" She asked as she bit into her burger and they began talking about lighter subjects and since she was allowed to post Colby since the storyline didn't include him yet, she seized the oppurtunity

"So how's Sarah?" She asked as she bit into her burger and they began talking about lighter subjects and since she was allowed to post Colby since the storyline didn't include him yet, she seized the oppurtunity

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@BrynnWWE Cruella and Casper hit up junk food central😁🤘🏼 @wwerollins 😩❤

When she got home, she saw Joe sitting on the couch, drinking a soda

"Hey baby," she cooed, crawling and settling in his lap

"Hey pretty lady," he replied pressing a kiss to her neck

"Can I ask you something?" Brynn asked, twirling a strand of his inky black hair around her finger

"Of course," he said smiling up at her, his hand resting on her lower back

"Are you happy?" She asked him and he looked at her

"Of course I'm happy babe, I have you. How could I not be happy?" He asked and Brynn grinned

"I don't know, I was just wondering," she replied and he shook his head

"Let's make a deal, anytime I'm not happy, I want you to smile." He said and she tilted his head

"Because, whenever I'm not happy, and you hit me with that beautiful smile, it makes me so happy because I love knowing I can make you smile. I love you Brynn. There's never a moment that I'm unhappy around you," he said and he smiled at her

Brynn grinned at him, watching as he returned it

"I love you to," she replied and they met in a kiss

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