Why Waste Time?

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-Part 2-

Joe stood in the kitchen, oven mitts on, waiting on the timer so he could take out the pies Brynn had put in earlier

Brynn was in the dining room, running her hands over the table cloth to smoothen it out

Joe smiled at the domestic feeling of it all. When he was a kid, his dad wasn't around, always saying that a ticket from wherever in the world he was to Pensacola was unnecessary, then as a young man, he spent most holidays with his cousins or his dorm friends, not anything to write about

Now? He was a man, full grown, standing in the beautiful kitchen of his big house, waiting on his friends and some of his family to come over, waiting on his cute daughter and looking through the kitchen doorway and seeing that beautiful woman who snuck into his heart and stayed there and will forever stay there

The incessant beeping of the oven pulled him out of his thoughts as he opened the door and took out the pies

"Are the pies done love?" Brynn called in her sweet voice that was reserved for him only

"Yeah babe, I just took them out," he replied and he heard her gentle steps echoing on their floor as she came into the kitchen and looked approvingly at him and then the pies and kissed his cheek before picking up some cans of beer from the case and putting them in the fridge, taking a cold one for both her and Joe and opened it, taking a sip before handing it to him

She took up a fork and gently stuck it into each pie making sure they were all done then she nodded when she was satisfied

"Everyone's gonna be here at 7," Joe told her as she took out the ham from the slow cooker, smiling when she saw the nice honey glaze on top

"Colby and Becks are gonna be here at 8, I asked him to get some marshmellow fluff for my thanksgiving pie that I always make for him and Jon," she said and Joe smiled and nodded, that was a good pie

Joe was just sipping the beer and watching Brynn cut the pies into slices and put them onto her serving trays before they were transported into the fridge after they had cooled enough

Joe smiled when Brynn washed her hands and then looked around the kitchen, unintentionally twirling her engagement ring as she thought

It looked so natural to see her with a ring on her finger, Joe was just really glad it was his. He looked down at the gold band on his own hand

In a few months, he'd have a wedding band and Brynn would have a wedding ring, the thought of it all was something Joe thought about nearly every day

Brynn was in a knee length black dress and Joe in a black T-shirt with blue jeans, his hair in a bun

"Tale as old as time," Brynn heard when she walked down the steps and she paused and peeped into the kitchen where Joe was singing to a head of lettuce

"True as it can be," he continued and Brynn slapped a hand over her mouth to prevent her laughs

"Barely even friends," a spin

"Then somebody bends...unexpectedly," another spin, putting down the lettuce

"Just a little change," Brynn began, smiling when he jumped

"Small to say the least," she walked towards him and he took her hand

"Both a little scared," she spun against his chest

"Neither one prepared," they waltzed around the kitchen

"Beauty and the beast," they sang together, stopping near the island counter

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