I Can't Go On

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Joe was alone in his hotel room, on the terrace with a bottle of vodka in his hand, he was feeling like the scum of the earth. Feeling so low, he didn't know which way was up

He took the bottle to his lips and swigged it and sighed

"Joseph!" Colby called making him scramble the bottle before it hit the floor

"Why the hell are you yelling?" Joe shouted with a slurred speech

Colby huffed and stomped over to Joe and grabbed the bottle looking at the three quarter empty bottle

"Joseph, what the hell are you doing to yourself?" Colby asked putting the bottle on the counter and dragging Joe inside where he sat on the ground and started stuttering

"C-Colby," he stammered and Colby's eyes softened as he took in the state of one of his best friends

"I can't," he spoke

"Can't what?" He asked Joe as he scooted closer

"I can't go on without her," he admitted

"I can't go on," he kept repeating

"You broke up with her Joe," Colby reminded

"I know, that was the biggest mistake I had ever made in my life. I can't live without her Colby," Joe said, tears streaming down his face

"Joe," Colby spoke

"She hates me. She hates me." Joe said shaking his head

"No she doesn't big man, she still loves you, she'll always love you. You need to tell her how you feel Joe, you can't keep hurting yourself or hurting Brynn, you just need to come clean to her, she loves you Joe. You just need the right moment to apologize and beg her to take you back. I have no doubt that she will." Colby said rubbing his back

Joe nodded but couldn't stop crying. He needed to have his girl back in his arms as soon as possible

The next day, at Smackdown, Joe was sat on a crate, fixing his wrist guard to compete, when he heard the most beautiful sound. Brynn's voice.

He looked over at where she was sat with Nikki Bella watching John and Miz's match

He looked over at where she was sat with Nikki Bella watching John and Miz's match

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"Do you miss him?" Nikki asked out of the blue

Brynn looked at her

"Do I miss who?" Brynn replied

Nikki rolled her eyes and jutted her chin out to gesture to the nearby crate

"Do you miss him?" She asked again and Brynn looked over to where she was gesturing to and her breath caught

"Do you miss him?" She asked again and Brynn looked over to where she was gesturing to and her breath caught

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God. He was the most beautiful man she had ever laid her eyes on. His eyes, his hair, his muscles, his smile, his everything. He was beautiful and she was an ass for letting him go but she had a plan to get him back. Now was not the right time, but soon enough, she would be in his arms again

"More than anything." She replied to Nikki's question with a sad smile and with one last look at Joe, she and Nikki got up and went to meet John at the guerrilla, her plan running through her mind

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