Drunk Sayings

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They were given a day off and Jon was staying with Joe and Brynn in Pensacola. Joe didn't mind it, hell why would he? He knew how close Jon and Brynn were and he knew where he stood, knowing she would never hurt him. It was Brynn, she could never emotionally hurt someone, that just isn't her forté.

Joe had went to work out downstairs and looked at the clock, it was 9pm, Jon and Brynn had gone out for drinks since it was a tradition of theirs to go for drinks. Brynn had told him she would be back at 10, so he worked out for another hour and then went upstairs to shower

When he got back downstairs, it was 10:10 and he heard keys jingling in the lock and the door was pushed open and Brynn walked in, alone. She was never a lightweight when it came to drinking but as he saw the dilation in his eyes, he knew it was gonna be a long night

"Where's Jon?" Joe asked, automatically worried

She pointed to the door, grabbed Joe and spun on her heels, dragging him with her

"And that's why periwinkle shouldn't technically be a colour," Jon spoke and Joe stifled a laugh as he realized Jon was having a conversation about the concept of periwinkle being a colour with the house ficus

"You okay man? You're looking a little green," Jon spoke looking at the ficus and that's when Joe began laughing

"Oh hey man, I never met your friend here," Jon said wrapping his arm around the pot the ficus was in

"He's a cool guy," he elaborated

Joe sighed and folded his arms, he had no doubt who was more drunk right now

He then unfolded his arms and walked over to Jon and took hold of his hand and lifted him onto his shoulder, carrying him like a baby while Brynn followed

"Hey! I didn't get to say goodbye to Patrick," Jon protested

"What?" Joe asked, only to be ignored as Jon continued his drunk antics

"Patrick!" He cried out, dramatically reaching his hands out with a heartbroken expression on his face and then sighed exasperatedly, letting his hand drop as well as dropping his head against Joe's shoulder blades as he carried Jon to the guest room and gently put him down

"Undress." Joe commanded, Jon looked at him and blinked slowly

"Look dude, you're nice and all but I don't see you in that kinda way," Jon replied and Joe huffed

"Just do it." He said rolling his eyes

Jon stripped down to his boxers and Joe pushed him down on the bed

"Damn, could've atleast bought me dinner first," Jon slurred

"Fuck off, sleep." Joe commanded

"Well, which is it? Do you want me to fuck off or sleep?" Jon asked smartly but Joe was in no mood and he pinched his forehead

"Jon." Joe said in a warning tone as he looked at the drunk clown on the bed and Jon sighed before he got comfortable and Joe decided he could leave the room and go to his own bedroom where Brynn already lying in bed, he quickly pulled off his shirt, chuckling at the low whistle he got before he got into bed with her

As soon as he got comfortable on his back with an arm behind his head, Brynn was laying her head on his chest and a hand over his stomach, while their legs tangled, it was obvious Brynn had sobered up quite a bit.

"Love?" Brynn called and Joe sighed contentedly and looked down at where she lay

"Yes princess?" He replied and she reached her hand up and rubbed his bottom lip with her thumb, knowing he adored when she did that

"Do you know that someday, I'm gonna marry you?" She asked him and Joe's breath hitched cuz yeah, he knew that she loved him and would inevitably one day marry him but to hear her say it made his heart palpitate and his stomach erupt in butterflies

"You mean it?" He asked, rubbing her back

"Yeah, I love you and one day, we're gonna get married and have a kid, that we're gonna raise together and then we'll grow old together because I love you," she repeated

"I love you to sunshine," he replied, kissing her hair, that's when the fluffy mood from the room left and Brynn's eyes glinted with mischief and she propped on her elbows and leaned over Joe

"I know Jon's in the other room, but I can't promise not to be loud," she smirked as she straddled his hips and Joe gasped and grabbed her thighs as she leaned down to kiss him

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