He Has No Idea

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Brynn and Joe had taken a few days off so they were at home in Pensacola, Brynn was biting her lip as she stared at the TV screen in front of her, she was waiting for Joe to get home from the gym, he didn't wanna work out at home

Brynn heard her phone ringing and she got up and looked at the caller ID

BestFriend❤❤❤ calling...

She smiled and slid the answer sign up and put him on loudspeaker

"Hey Jon," she greeted as she put the phone down on the kitchen counter and walked over to the fridge

"Hey, so I think I got a plan to get Galina to sign the annulment papers," he said and Brynn furrowed her eyebrows

"I'm listening," she replied and opened the bottle of water, taking a gulp

"We trick her." He said and explained the plan he and Colby came up with

"That's amazing, we'll get started tonight when Colby and Joe go to the bar," she told him and he agreed

They were always in Florida because most of the times, Vince sent them down to NXT to scope out rookies

Later on, Joe came back home, tank top drenched in sweat, shorts riding low on his hips and his muscles bulging, he looked so hot

"Wow, I should be worried with how hot you look," she said, going to wrap her arms around his waist

"I need to go shower and meet Colby at the bar," he told her and she nodded, patting his ass as he passed her and he chuckled

"I'll see you later babe," he said and she smiled and nodded, pressing a kiss to his lips

Brynn was the queen of open mouthed kisses so when Joe's hands tightened on her hips, she knew why and she pulled away

"I love you, have fun, take care," she wished and he nodded and pecked her lips again then left

Brynn raked a hand through her hair and clenched her jaw, she felt really bad being underhanded and sneaky and hiding this from Joe but she didn't know how he'd react to it and she kinda wanted to do this by herself

It qas 10 minutes after Joe left that she heard 2 honks outside the house, she took up her jacket and quickly made her way down to Jon's car and got into the passenger seat

He drove to Galina's house and Brynn's nerves were eating her, she'd have to go and pretend that she hated Joe. She got out of the car, Jon following her as they walked up the stoop and knocked on the door. It was a few seconds before Galina opened it and her face screwed up immediately

"Brynn," she greeted, hostility high

"Hey, I just came here to say, I hope you're happy with Joe, you two deserve each other," she said, making her voice crack at the end

Galina smiled as she saw the heartbreak on Brynn's face

"Also Joe wants you to sign this marriage license," Jon said handing her the papers, she beckoned them inside and went to get a pen

Brynn's phone began ringing with Joe's special ring tone and she quickly cut him off, now wasn't a good time

She watched with a silent smirk as Galina signed all the papers without reading them, then handed them to Jon

Brynn stood up and high-fived Jon

"And that Galina, is why you should always read the documents you sign, because as of today, your marriage to Joe, is over," Brynn said with a smirk as she looked at Galina's shocked face

"I'll see you in court sweetie," Brynn said as she and Jon left

It was later that night that Joe came back and he was laying on Brynn's stomach while she carded her fingers through his hair. They were watching some sad movie on the television and at some point, Joe had fallen asleep

Brynn yawned and the girl on the TV began crying, she flinched when Joe sat up quickly with wide eyes and looked around panicked, before his eyes settled on her and he breathed out in relief

"Oh thank god, I thought you were crying," he said and Brynn felt her heart melt

"You're adorable," she said and kissed him, he probably would never know how much that meant to her

Joe laid back on her stomach and traced patterns on her thighs while she tried to figure out how to tell him what happened

"So um, I got Galina to sign the divorce papers, I talked to the lawyer and he said that as long as the signature isn't forged then it's legally binding, so once they have a sample of a government document that has her signature and you're a free man," she explained and Joe sat up and looked at her with wide eyes

"You're fucking with me," he said and she shook her head

"Jon has the papers, we did it, we went to see her after you left to meet Colby," she told him and Joe looked at her in disbelief

"I can't believe it," he said as he tightly hugged her, finally, things were gonna get better

He made up his mind, he needed to do something quick.

"I love you," he said and she kissed his temple

"I love you to," she replied and they stayed just like that, in each other's arms for the rest of the night, as they should be

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