Last Night

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Brynn was laying on Joe's chest, they both were naked and sweaty, they had just gotten done with their second round of love making since both of them were basically insatiable when it came to each other

"Ready for round 3?" Joe asked and Brynn laughed and shook her head

"Let me get some water and I'll be up for it," she told him and he dislodged his arm so she'd be able to get up

She wrapped herself up in her robe and went downstairs. She just about made it to the fridge and opened it when steady knocks sounded at the door, it was still fairly early. Was around 9 in the night but then she heard the door open and she saw Jon's familiar curls pass the foyer

"Stay there dumbass," he said and huffed before coming into the kitchen

"Hey Brynn, sorry to drop in just like that, but Colby's piss drunk and called me crying, your house was the closest one we could get to," Jon explained and Brynn nodded

'There goes round 3' she thought to herself, raking a hand through her hair until arms wrapped around her waist

"You got me waiting for round 3 babygirl? You know I don't like waiting," Joe's sultry voice said into her ear

"Nice ass Joe," Jon said and Joe jumped and turned to face a smirking Jon, he covered the front of his pelvic region

"Jon! Hey! Um, I'm gonna go get some pants, uh, I'll be right back," he said awkwardly, bright red. He must have come down the stairs in the study

"So why's Colby drunk?" She asked opening the bottle she had gotten and taking a few hearty gulps from it. Jon opened his mouth to answer then-

"Jonnnn!!! The baby's kicking!" Brynn choked on the water she was drinking as Colby sat up from where Jon had laid him on the couch and had a hand on his belly, Jon shot Brynn a concerned look as she coughed and then he faced Colby

"You're not pregnant dude!" He yelled

"Why won't you take responsibility for our baby?" Colby asked with a pout. Jon blinked once and then turned back to Brynn

"He's been telling me about his pregnancy for the last 10 minutes that it took to get here," he explained and Joe came down, took one look at Colby and then back to Jon

"He's drunk off his ass ain't he?" He asked and Jon nodded curtly

"Big time," he replied with a sigh and Brynn handed Joe her water bottle

"Let's get him to bed," Brynn said and walked over to where Colby was drawing circles in the air with his finger

"C'mon bud!" She said heaving him up and she and Jon braced him while Joe held him upright as they walked to the guest room and laid Colby down on the bed, he looked around

"Wait, where am I?" He asked, looking distraught and then he looked up at Brynn

"Brynny, I dunno where we are," he said, tears filling his eyes

"You're in our house bud," she replied running her fingers through his hair

Joe and Jon helped strip Colby so he'd be more comfortable and he was just staring at the ceiling then he unexpectedly grabbed Joe's hand

"I'm sweaty Joe, my toes are sticky," Colby said pulling off his socks and Brynn smiled

"Aww," Brynn cooed and Colby looked at her then he looked up at Jon and squinted

"Your eyes are blue." He said and then leaned very close to Jon and widened his own eyes

"Your eyes sticky?" He asked, then without waiting for an answer, began to blow on Jon's eyes

"Dude, fuck off," Jon said, pushing Colby away and Colby's eyes filled with tears again

"I dunno where I am! My toes are sticky! The baby's on my bladder and nobody loves me!" He cried and then stopped and stared at Joe

"Hello Clarice," he said and Brynn furrowed her eyebrows

"Who's-" she began

"My my Clarice, your hair grew so long," he said tressing his fingers in Joe's hair

"No mind, let's get to the show, I would tap your ass later, but I'm pregnant...and sticky," he said and Brynn and Jon stifled a laugh as he started trying to drag Joe to the door

Joe smacked him on his head and pulled back his hand making Colby smack face first into the wall and he yelled and held his forhead

"Ow! Brynn?" He called holding his head

"Yeah Co?" She replied, looking at her drunk friend who swayed slightly

"Catch me" he said and fell, thankfully she was in time to catch him

"Okay that's enough mayhem for you buddy," she told him and put him back into the bed and pulled the blankets up to his chest

"Brynn?" He called as he started getting comfy

"Yes Co?" She asked again, as patient as ever as he turned his back to her and curled in on himself and closed his eyes

"Tell Clarice that Jon's eyes are blue and that our baby's sticky," he said, in a sleepy mumble before he started snoring

Brynn, Joe and Jon shared a look and then got out of the room

"Taking the room down there," Jon said, pointing to the guest room and began walking down the corridor

Joe and Brynn went back into their bedroom and Brynn finally put on some clothes much to Joe's chagrin as they got comfy to just sleep

The next morning, Jon and Joe were watching Brynn make breakfast while drinking coffee when Colby came walking down the stairs, groaning

"Coffee and drugs," Brynn said sliding over a mug and some tylenol towards where he sat

"Thanks," he replied and quickly took the tablets and drank down some coffee

"So what happened to you last night?" Jon asked

"What'dya mean?" Colby asked and Jon gave him a look, shovelling some scrambled eggs into his mouth

"Co, you called me drunk off your ass and crying to me like you boyfriend just told you that you looked fat," Jon said and Joe chuckled, eating a piece of perfectly cooked bacon. Colby looked at Jon, then Joe, then Brynn and at their concerned looks, he sighed

"Sarah and I broke up," he admitted

"Why?" Brynn asked, looking at him

"I like Becky," he told them and the three of them groaned

"What?" Colby asked looking at them innocently

"You're 32 years old Colby, when are you gonna grow up and stick with one girl?" Brynn asked and Colby shrugged

"I wasn't trying to you know, it just sorta happened," he explained

"Did you cheat on her?" Joe asked and Colby shook his head

"No I told her the truth, she was alright with it." He replied and the three of them sighed in relief

"It's gonna be alright Co, don't worry," Brynn assured him and he sighed

He really was thankful for his friends, he interrupted Joe and Brynn's night, crashed in their house and Jon got out of bed to come get him at the bar. He loved his friends

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