That Was The Scariest Thing

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Brynn had been sitting in Jon's locker room, just chilling. She was watching him busy himself with packing his stuff into his bag while she was texting Joe who was in his locker room getting ready for his match

"Dammit," Brynn heard and watched Jon bend to pick up literally probably the 4th thing he dropped in 10 minutes

"What's up with you?" She asked him

"My hands won't stop shaking," he replied and Brynn furrowed her eyebrows

"Why?" She asked and he shrugged. Same time, her phone pinged very loudly and Jon hissed and held his temples

"Head hurts?" She asked, replying to what Joe said and he nodded

"Like a bitch," he replied and turned and looked around

"Can you get me my charger from the wall?" He asked her and she nodded and got up, turning around to the wall

She was in the process of gently pulling Jon's charger out of the wall when she heard a thud and a loud crash. She instantly turned around

"Jon!" She yelled, seeing Jon on the floor with the blankest look on his face and was spasming and she ran over and crouched next to him

"Jon, what's wrong?" But he didn't reply, his eyes glazed

"Help!" She yelled, tears in her eyes

"Help! Please help!" She screamed and Randy Orton came running in

"Get help Randy!" She yelled and he took one look at them and ran off

Seconds later, Joe, Colby, Hunter and Randy as well as a medic came rushing in

"Help him! Please help him!" Brynn cried gesturing to her shaking best friend

"He's having a seizure," the medic annouced and Brynn's heart dropped, a seizure?

"I need to wait till it subsides before I can help otherwise it will make him worse," he explained but at the sight of blood dripping down the side of Jon's mouth, Brynn crumbled to his side and cried, well bawled

"Jon, please don't do this to me, Jon," she cried  and Joe moved her and held her close

After about the 6th minute of Jon's seizure, he began to stop shaking, Brynn was still crying and the medic held a stethoscope to Jon's chest

"Call the paramedics," he said and everyone's breath caught as Jon's eyes closed

"Jon! No! Jon!" She screamed, getting out of Joe's grasp and running over to Jon, desperately trying to get him to open his eyes

"Call the fucking ambulance!" She screamed, looking at everyone who was frozen, Hunter snapped out of it and took his phone out, going into the hallway

"Jonny? Jonny, please don't do this to me, open your eyes baby, please," Brynn cried and Joe bit his tongue at the 'baby' wasn't the time or place for it 

"If a seizure lasts longer than 5 minutes, we call the paramedics," the medic explained to Joe and Colby

Brynn was in no condition to listen to anything, her best friend was unconcious and that scared the shit outta her

When the ambulance came in, and loaded Jon onto the gurney to begin their trip to the hospital, Brynn briefly heard them talking about Renee not being here

"Only one person is allowed to be in the ambulance with him," the paramedic said as they cleaned the blood in his mouth and got him hooked to a ventilator, Joe nodded and kissed her head

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