Intimate Moments

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"I need a shower," Joe said as he got off the hotel room bed

"It's 1 in the morning," Brynn complained, missing the comfort of her warm baby against her

"I know babe, but I need to wash my hair, I can't go to sleep if it's all sweaty and nasty," he replied, stripping off his shirt and Brynn gave a low whistle as his pants followed

The thing with Joe was that, his hair was important to him, so he had very precise hair care routine steps he had to follow, so when he came out an hour later, she didn't question it

Joe had wiped down his skin and slipped his boxers on, before wrapping up his hair in a towel turban and sitting on the bed, giving Brynn a grand old smile

"You're beautiful," she mumbled, tracing patterns on his thigh and he blushed

He'd always say how he hated that she called him beautiful but deep, deep down, he loved it. Made him feel loved.

And secretly, Brynn knew that, it was half an hour after when Joe took off the towel from his hair that Brynn got an idea

"Can I braid your hair?" She asked just as Joe was putting the carrot oil in his hair to keep it shiny

"Do you want to?" He asked and she nodded, sitting up and patting the space infront of her, Joe scooted his feet as he walked towards her and sat down, feeling kinda exposed and vulnerable, he never had anyone braid his hair before, sure JOJO used to put bows in his hair when she was smaller, but that was just bows, this felt much more intimate

Brynn also felt like she was about to take his virginity or something, she made sure she was careful as she threaded the comb through it, gently breaking the knots that had accumulated

"Your hair is perfect just like you," she whispered, kissing the exposed skin of his shoulder and Joe shivered

Brynn got a tiny rubber band and wrapped it around her finger. She took a breath and started parting the hair from the top of his head, and began weaving the strands through each other gently

Joe clenched his thigh, digging his fingernails into his skin

Brynn finished and tied the rubber band to the end of his hair and leaned in to kiss at his exposed neck and shoulders, making him shudder

"I love you," she whispered continuously while she peppered little kisses against his right shoulder

"I love you," she whispered continuously as she kissed the left shoulder

Joe got up and looked at the braid in the mirror and grinned, the braid was beautiful, she french braided it and it was stunning

"It's beautiful," he commented, running his hand against the smooth braid

"Can we sleep now?" She asked, flopping onto her back after she had wiped her hands

Joe smiled and went over to her, kissing her lips slow and gentle

"I love you babe," he told her and she smiled

"I love you to beautiful," she replied and Joe laid down and he revelled in the familiar feeling of love he always got when Brynn laid her head on his chest and he wrapped an arm around her waist

Another intimate moment came when  Brynn had been in tears, her dad was talking about how lonely he was in England and Brynn always worried about her dad. His feelings and thoughts were the most important ones to her

Joe was sitting beside Brynn on their bed, rubbing her back as she cried, his heart clenching at every broken sob that escaped her

"Calm down aulelei, don't cry," he said and she sniffled and leaned on his shoulder, cuddling her face into his crook between neck and shoulder

Joe wrapped an arm around her and sighed as he felt his neck getting wet

"Aulelei, let's get the apartment," he said, he couldn't stand his girl crying anymore

"Really?" She asked, sniffling

"Don't you know I'll do anything to make you happy?" He asked, sweetly smiling at her

"I can't believe how lucky I am, you're incredible," she said and Joe smiled and rested his chin on top her head

"It's easy to be incredible when you've got someone like you to be incredible to," he replied as he leaned down to kiss her

Brynn and Joe had a lot of  moments between them, where it was easy for the world to see the love they both shared but it was the moments no one saw, the little intimate moments when it was just them, that meant the world to them

Another intimate moment came when Joe awoke in the middle of the night because of a kick to his side that had him coughing

After his coughing fit was done, he looked over at Brynn and saw her fidgeting and looking as if she was fighting someone in her sleep

He frowned and leaned to her, gently shaking her shoulder and whispering her name, she awoke with a panic and looked around before her eyes settled on Joe

"Baby?" She called and touched his face before squeezing him in a hug and Joe was confused but hugged her dutifully

Joe's arms had always been a source of warmth and comfort for her, he was so big and strong and soft, like a big teddy bear

He realized that she needed comfort so he put a hand behind her head and put one on her waist and rested his cheek against her hair and began to lightly croon an Italian lullaby his mom used to sing to him when he was a baby

Pretty soon, he felt Brynn go limp in his arms and he smiled and laid down, making her lay on his chest and he pulled the blankets over both of them

"I love you my beautiful fuga," he said softly into the dark of the night and he wasn't sure Brynn even heard what he said, but he heard her mumble something and then a light kiss was pressed to his chest and her cheek pressed back to his skin and he smiled

It was moments like these, these intimate moments, that Joe knew no matter what happened, he wanted to marry Brynn, and build a life with her. He was sure of that.

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