Calming Her Down And Realizations

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Brynn had alot to do tonight and Joe was in media right now

She was with Jon and Colby in catering, scrolling through her twitter

"Oh wow," she said, reading the tweet to herself

"What?" Jon asked, pulling the chicken wing bone from his mouth

"Someone tweeted 'I don't know why @RomanReigns is still with that ugly, pasty, talentless bitch @BrynnWWE he deserves someone as beautiful as he is," she read what was on the screen

"What the fuck?" Colby asked looking at her

"See, this is why I don't read shit on twitter," Jon said, trying to make a point

Brynn re-read that over and over again and couldn't help it as she felt tears in her eyes

"Oh babe, don't cry," Jon told her and Colby immediately looked at her

"It's just a stupid hate comment," Colby said and Brynn shook her head

"Person's right though, have you seen Joe? He's literally the most beautiful man I've ever laid eyes on. I look at him and he legit sparkles, like a piece of gold. Look at me, I don't deserve someone like him." She said, shaking her head through the whole spiel she just gave

"Let's go somewhere more private," Jon said and she, Colby and Jon stood up and walked to the stands and sat down a little far from the ring

"Where's all this coming from?" Jon asked as Brynn sat between him and Colby

"I've gotten terrible anxiety since that week where all that shit happened, and there's days when I feel perfectly like myself and there's days when I'm just numb. It's not like depression, I just get horrible anixety," she relayed

"Does Joe know?" Colby asked and she shook her head

"He knows about the anxiety but he doesn't know that he partially caused it," Brynn admitted

"I started feeling it the week where Joe and I were fighting all the time, like nearly 6 days a week, from then on, I'm starting to doubt everything," she said

"What do you mean?" Jon asked

"Like what if one day Joe wakes up and realizes I'm not what he wants and that he could do better. I hate the thought that some day if that happens, I'd have to live without him," Brynn said, the tears sliding down her face

Colby leaned over and wrapped his arm around her, wiping the tears away and holding her close

"You won't lose him, Joe loves you more than any girl he's ever had. He could be around models and beauty queens and still look for you. You're everything to him Brynn, he's not gonna wake up and decide you're not everything he wants. He doesn't shut up about you," Colby assured

Jon narrowed his eyes at Colby, then focused back on the teary eyed girl on Colby's chest

"It's gonna be okay Brynn, you need to not worry about Joe leaving you cuz that ain't gonna happen." Jon said to her and she nodded and hugged them both, then left to get ready for her match, Colby got up and began walking, Jon following

"So when did you and Brynn get so buddy buddy?" Jon asked him

"Well we've always been close and since you haven't been-" Colby paused looking for the right word

"Available," he decided

"I've been there for her." He said shrugging nonchalently

"Just don't forget, she's my best friend," he said possessively and Colby chuckled

"Oh yeah? I would think a best friend would know when he's being a dick. You're pushing her away Jon, you're always too busy with Renee to make time for Brynn, is that a best friend?" Colby asked and when Jon remained silent he shook his head

"Didn't think so." He said and walked off. He and Jon were best friends, obviously, but he didn't appreciate it when Jon was being a jackass for the smallest things

Jon sat down on a crate and thought about it, he really did abandon Brynn alot, she had called him to meet up for a breakfast but he couldn't because he had to carry Renee to her nail appointment. He loved Renee, yeah but Brynn was his best friend for 10+ years, he couldn't believe how much he had pushed her away

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