More Problems

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Brynn was sitting at the table, eating cereal when Joe came down, dressed for a run

"Morning babe," he said coming over to peck her lips

"Hmm, morning love," she replied, he smacked his lips together and gave her a cheeky smile

"Ooh cheerios," he said smiling and she chuckled

He sat down and took out an apple, a bowl of cereal and a bottle of water and sat down opposite her

"You know what I was thinking about earlier," she began and Joe looked up at her and made a noise of confusion as he chewed what he had in his mouth

"Imagine if John and Nikki had ended up getting married, if she had dropped her last name and they divorced she'd have to keep Cena, that's insane," Brynn said and Joe furrowed his eyebrows

"So you'd keep Adams?" He asked and she looked at him

"What?" She asked tilting her head

"If we got married," he elaborated

"You'd keep Adams?" He asked, looking at her

"Yeah." She said like it was obvious

"So when we're married, you'd still be Brynn Adams," Joe said and Brynn shook her head

"No, it would be Brynn Adams-Anoa'i, it's just so that if something happened that would make us divorce, I could drop the Anoa'i." She explained it to him and put another another spoon of cereal in her mouth and chewed

"You think we'd divorce?" Joe asked and Brynn shrugged

"You never know what's in the future Joe," she said profoundly

"Weren't you the one who made me promise that we'd always work stuff out?" He asked, looking at her

"That's different, what if something really bad happens, that we can't talk through and nothing can solve it except a divorce," she said, looking at him

"I'd still like to be Brynn Adams and not Brynn Anoa'i if like you cheat or something like that," she explained

"You think I'd cheat?" Joe asked surprised

"Not exactly what I was saying, but things that aren't in our control sometimes happen, like if anything came up and you wanted me to sign a prenup, I'd sign it," she admitted

"Brynn, what the hell? You want to keep your last name and you'd sign a prenup? Do you even want to get married?" He asked her

"Of course I do, you know I do. I just want to plan incase the future messes shit up," she said and he looked at her and stood up, throwing the bowl in the sink making her jump at the sound

"Whatever, I'm going for a run," he said and left

Brynn looked at the closed door dumbfounded, did they really just fight on if she'd keep her last name after marriage?

It was about half an hour later when there was a knock on the door and Brynn went over, smiling when she saw Colby

"Hey bud," she said, leaning in to give him a hug

"Hey, I just dropped by because I just wanted someone to talk to," he said and she nodded, leading him inside the house

"So what's up?" She asked when they sat down

"Sarah and I have been arguing non-stop lately," he admitted and Brynn sighed

"Same," she replied and Colby looked at her but she just gestured him to continue

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