Find Each Other

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JOJO was in the living room watching TV when the front door opened and Joe walked in, he smiled when her face lit up

"DADDY!" She yelled, jetting out to jump in his arms

"Hi JOJO," he said with a smile on his face

"Is mommy here?" He asked JOJO who nodded and he let her down and she pointed to the bedroom and Joe thanked her and began walking. He was gonna figure this out once and for all.

He was about to push the already cracked open door, when he heard her talking

"Yeah Chelsea, I'm telling you. Joe doesn't know a thing. I just gotta put on the fake baby bump for a few months then tell him I lost it. He'll feel so guilty he'll stay with me forever," she said

"I'm just glad he left that bitch Brynn though, I know how happy I could make Joe," Galina said, blowing on her nails

"Pumpkin? Hello?" Brynn asked when she saw the number of the phone Joe had bought Joelle so she could call them everytime she missed them, appeared on her phone

She didn't hear anything but a rustling sound and she thought Joelle had accidentally pressed her name and was about to hang up when she heard Joe's voice and was so confused as to why he was there

"I can't fucking believe you Galina!" Joe yelled all of a sudden and Brynn's eyes widened

"How could you do this?!" He yelled at her

Joe was fuming as he opened the door and immediately began yelling at her. The look on Galina's face was one of fear, her eyes were wide, her mouth was dropped and she had lost colour

"Joe wait I-" she stammered

"Shut up!" He roared and Brynn's jaw dropped a little. She never heard Joe yell like that

"How could you? After everything we've been through. This is what you do? You fake a pregnancy to ruin my relationship?" He asked in disbelief

"How could you even conceive such a sick, demented plan?" He asked

"I came here to find out how the hell you could be pregnant when I haven't touched you sexually in 3 years." He said running a hand through his loose hair

"You know what's the worst part?" He asked huffing a bitter laugh and Brynn raised her eyebrows, listening to what he was gonna say next

"I lost the best thing to ever happen to me, because of you. The one person who picked me up and stood with me through hell and back and who loved me like no one else, and I lost her." He said

"Because you couldn't stand to see me happy right?" He asked, looming over her

"Joe I-" she began but he cut her off

"No fuck you Galina." He said dangerously low since he didn't want Joelle to hear him

"You know what's the difference between you and Brynn?" He asked her, going closer to her

"Brynn is ten times the woman you'll ever be." He said and Brynn smiled

"You never loved me. You loved what I represented. Brynn loved me enough to set me free to find happiness. I'm happiest with her and I will love her more than I've ever loved someone. She's the woman I want to make my wife and because you are so selfish and conniving, I lost the one person who loved me for who I was." Joe said and Brynn swore she felt tears rolling down her cheek

"I don't ever wanna see you again Galina, only speak to me if it concerns my daughter," Joe said and proceeded to leave the room when Galina got up and followed

"Joe please let me explain," she begged, grabbing his hand and he pulled away fast

"Don't touch me. How dare you do this to me," he said in a betrayed voice

"C'mon babe, we made vows to each other to love each other no matter what. You don't hate me," Galina said, trying to convince herself

Joe watched their wedding kiss picture that was hung on the wall in a frame and he stomped over to it, pulled out the picture and held it in front her face and tore it down the middle then threw it at her

"That's what I think of your vows," he said watching as her eyes filled with tears

"Oh don't try to play the victim here. Don't even cry. You're so fake. I can't believe you, how would Joelle feel if she found out what you did?" He asked and she shook head

"I hate you." Joe said and that was the final shot in her heart

"Now if you'll excuse me. I gotta go fight for my girl." Joe said and a door slamming was heard

Brynn disconnected the call and looked at Colby and Jon who were sitting across from her with tears in her eyes

Jon and Colby looked at each other and went and wrapped their arms around Brynn as she cried

Joe was parked on the side of the road, he was on his way to go to Brynn when his emotions just overflowed and he had begun crying. Joe took out his phone and begun a tweet

Never believe someone you once trusted with your everything because there's a reason why you stopped trusting them.

Brynn re-read that tweet to Jon and Colby who sighed in sync. Brynn sighed and couldn't stop thinking bout Joe. She could imagine him now, tears streaming down his cheeks, eyes glassy, broad shoulders racking with his sobs and it broke her heart

Joe didn't even know what he was gonna say to Brynn. Was she even gonna believe him? What if this was it for them? The thought of him not being able to call Brynn his, made him feel like dying. He cleared his throat and changed gears, pulling onto the road and Brynn went to shower, she needed to get to their house to see Joe.

They didn't know what would happen when they saw each other, all they knew was that they needed to find each other

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